
I am a political sociologist with an interdisciplinary background in sociology, theology, and political science. I am a lecturer at the College of International Studies, Korea University and a full-time senior research fellow at Soongsil Institute for Peace and Unification. My journey on the academic path in different disciplines has led me across the globe, from South Korea to Canada, Ghana, and Costa Rica. While my first step into academia started with theology, it was based on post-colonial theology, which later affected my studies in sociology and international human rights law.

Based on these backgrounds, I delved into issues around North Korea for the last 15 years. My Ph.D. dissertation about the migration choices of women from North Korea is one of the fruits I made from the journey.

Due to my exposure to social theories from my early years, my fundamental question lies in re/building an alternative system to the current capitalist system, in which many express hardships and frustrations.

Concerning the interest, human rights have been the core of my career path. However, the politicization of human rights, which usually follows the human rights regime like the flip side of the coin, made me expand my boundaries to development.

In summary, my research interests cover various themes on women, migration, development, human rights, and theories on the social system.

If you'd like to know more about my work, you can find my CV next page. If you feel like talking more about my work, you can reach me at jinah_kwon@korea.ac.kr. Ciao!