Research directions:

Imaging patterns of correlated states

Pattern formation and domain configuration encode important information about correlated phases. We developed optical techniques that enable high-throughput, wide-field imaging of spatial patterns, which allows us to monitor their evolution dynamically. See here

Ultrafast space-time imaging

Quantum materials often host excitations with exotic properties, such as dissipation-less transport, unconventional statistics, superfluidity, etc. We developed an ultrafast imaging technique to directly watch their propagation in space and time. See here

Watching fluctuations

Thermal and quantum fluctuations are the driving force behind phase transitions. However, their stochastic nature prohibits averaging, making their direct observation challenging. We developed a fast and sensitive imaging technique and successfully captured them in real-time. See here

2D moiré superlattices

2D moiré superlattices combines the scalability of natural crystals and the tunability of cold atoms, providing unprecedented opportunities to engineer and investigate quantum phenomena. The sensitivity and versatility of optical spectroscopies allow us to unravel many layers of information with various techniques. See here and here