I have focused my career on understanding the star formation processes and the early life of stars. For this reason, I have specialized in understanding the resolved stellar population in nearby galaxies by studying their young stellar clusters, associations, and different types of young stellar groups and star-forming regions.

Research Interest:

  • Star formation

  • Hierarchical star formation

  •  Resolved stellar populations in nearby galaxies

  • Young stellar populations in nearby galaxies

  •  Young stellar clusters, Embedded clusters, and  Stellar Associations

Research Groups: 

Physics at High Angular Resolution in Nearby Galaxies

VIsible Soar photometry of star Clusters in tApii and Coxi HuguA

Grupo de investigación de Estrellas Masivas y Agrupaciones Estelares 

Scientific Talks:

Annual Meeting of the Asociación Argentina de Astronomía


Friend of Friend meeting 

Córdoba Argentina