Jim Ronholm for Strong Council

Who is Jim Ronholm?

I'm a member of your community.

I grew up in the Almaguin area and attended AHSS before joining the military and getting my Computer Engineering degree at Royal Military College. My wife of 30 years was born and raised in Strong Township and I moved to the township in 1995 after serving 8 years in the military (final rank Captain). I've now lived in Strong for almost 30 years and my two children have never lived anywhere else.

Since coming to live here I have been active in the local community

  • coaching soccer

  • coaching hockey and executive member of the local hockey association

  • chair of Sundridge Centennial Public School School Advisory Council

  • volunteer scribe for public school EQAO tests

  • volunteer for other local activities

After retiring from the Canadian Armed Forces I worked at Ontario Northland Transportation Commission as a Project Leader in the Computer Services Group, and then moved onto my current position as a professor at Canadore College teaching various computer subjects.


While I do not believe that there are any quick solutions to the conditions of the roads in Strong Township - many people have discussed with me their concerns towards the poor state of our roads. Four years ago several candidates made promises that they would improve road conditions - but I have personally not seen those improvements. I will work towards:

  • a published schedule for road maintenance as well as records showing that the schedule is being met

  • improved communications with the community around maintenance issues and concerns

While budgetary concerns will obviously impact any changes I will work towards making our roads safer and smoother.

Community and Environment

I've been active in various community endeavours and will take an active role in how council interacts with the community as a whole. I'm a believer in sustainable development that allows continued growth - but at the same time respecting our environment. For example: I am interested in learning more about our communities fight against phragmites - an invasive plant choking up our shorelines.


I have not yet made up my mind about amalgamation. Four years ago candidates spoke up about this issue, and in the intervening time nothing seems to have been decided.

I can see advantages to amalgamation

  • improved management of shared services

  • reduced cost through reduction of duplication

I am also aware that some residents in other communities that have gone through the amalgamation process haven't always been happy with the final result. In particular I know that sometimes members of the new municipality feel that services aren't provided equally to all residents afterwards. If during this term some level of amalgamation occurs I will strongly defend the residents of Strong to see that they are treated fairly.