
Space-time diagram credit to Gloudemans et al. (2023)

I-24 MOTION testbed

Testbed for traffic management and automated vehicle technologies located on 4 miles of Interstate 24 in Middle Tennessee (near Nashville).

The I-24 Mobility Technology Interstate Observation Network (MOTION) is a four-mile section of I-24 in the Nashville-Davidson County Metropolitan area with 276 ultra-high definition cameras. Those images are converted into a digital model of how every vehicle behaves with unparalleled detail.

I-24 MOTION released data and toolbox

I-24 MOTION unlock the potential of traffic science and opportunites for AI

Field experiments t0 smooth traffic

The I-24 MOTION testbed has offered opportunities to evaluate various ITS and CAV technologies for traffic smoothing. Since the launch of the testbed, I've been involved in several experiments, including:

early morning on October 23, 2023 ©Junyi

Field research on traffic measurement

The performance and dynamics of traffic systems can be enhanced by leveraging the integration of various sensing technologies, including camera-based vision systems, radar sensors, LiDAR sensors, and other sensor networks.

July, 2024 ©Matt Butting

September, 2024©Will Barbour