Published Papers

"Cheating and Compensation in Price-Fixing Cartels,"  Journal of Economic Theory, 200: 105382, 2022. 

"Incentives under equal-pay constraint and subjective peer evaluation," (with Yu Awaya), Games and Economic Behavior, 135: 41-59, 2022.

"Tariff diversity and FTA network," (with Jung Hur, Sung-Ha Hwang, and Larry D. Qiu), Review of World Economics, 159: 1-28, 2022. 

"Joint market dominance through exclusionary compatibility," International Journal of Game Theory, 52: 1077–1110, 2023.

"Partial Secrecy in Vertical Contracting," (with Jeanine Miklós-Thal), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 90: 102955, 2023.

"Information exchange through secret vertical contracts," (with Nicolas Riquelme), forthcoming, Economic Theory

"Opportunism in Vertical Contracting: A Dynamic Perspective," (with Jeanine Miklós-Thal), forthcoming, Rand Journal of Economics, Online Appendix 

Working Papers

"Vertical contracting and information spillover in Cournot competition," (with Nicolas Riquelme)

"Bubbles and Collateral," (with Yu Awaya and Makoto Watanabe)

"Information Sale on Social Network," (with Lining Han and Xiaoxi Li)