Terms & Conditions

Last Updated: Monday, 4 September 2023

By booking and paying for the services Gemma Craker of Jigsaw co-branding provides:

By booking one of the services provided:

Scope of Services: Jigsaw Co-Branding offers a comprehensive range of co-branding services meticulously tailored to the unique needs and objectives of the Jigsaw Phonics brand. These services encompass, but are not limited to: 

These services are customised to empower the Jigsaw Phonics brand with the tools and strategies needed to succeed in the ever-evolving landscape of co-branding and marketing.

Engagement and Outcomes: Jigsaw Co-Branding will make every reasonable effort to achieve the desired co-branding goals outlined in our agreement. However, it is important to note that we do not guarantee levels of engagement, results, or outcomes. The effectiveness of co-branding efforts can be influenced by various external factors beyond our control. While we will employ our expertise and best practices to maximise the success of our co-branding services, the final outcomes may vary. By entering into a co-branding agreement with Jigsaw Co-Branding, you acknowledge and accept that the level of engagement and results achieved cannot be guaranteed.

Payment: Payment details and terms will be outlined in the contract between parties. Failure to make payments as specified may result in a suspension of services.

Intellectual Property: Any intellectual property, including logos, designs, and content, created during the co-branding process is intended for personal use. Any unauthorised commercial use, resale, or distribution of the product or service is strictly prohibited.

Communication: Effective communication is vital. Timely responses to queries, feedback, and requests for information from Jigsaw Co-Branding are needed to fulfil deadlines.

Project Timeline: The project timeline, including milestones and deadlines, will be communicated during the project kickoff. Delays may occur due to factors such as client feedback or unforeseen circumstances.

Modification: Jigsaw Co-Branding reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions. Clients will be informed of any changes in advance.

Confidentiality: Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of sensitive information shared during the co-branding process.

Entire Agreement: These terms and conditions, along with the co-branding contract, constitute the entire agreement between the parties and supersede any prior agreements or understandings.

These terms are subject to change, and any updates will be communicated to users accordingly.