Professional Life

Total Experience: 3 years

[ 6 months ]

I am currently working as a Python Developer in this startup

Karza Technologies is rapidly growing

I get to fiddle with Python scripts, AWS applications and a lot of other cool technologies!

[ 2 years 5 months ]

I worked here as a full-time Software Engineer in Data Warehouse

GoldenSource is a global software company in the enterprise data management industry,

So most of my work revolved around data, product development, database model, ETL, automation, business rules

Engineer's Academy

[ 1 year ]

I got a chance to get internship in EA as a Lecturer

I have delivered lectures on JAVA OOPM - Object Oriented Programming Methodology and C Programming Language SPA Structured Programming Approach to Engineering students

VTech and Vocational Guidance Group

[ 1 year ]

It was a great experience to teach HTML, CSS and Visual Basic to 11th and 12th standard students who had taken Computer Science course.

Vocational Academy

[ 1 year ]

This is the place where I learnt to become a good lecturer and have confidence while speaking, overcoming stage fear.

I have delivered lectures on Visual Basic 6 (VB6), HTML, CSS and C++ to 11th and 12th standard students

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