Jiaru Bai
Assistant Professor

Operations and Decision Analytics

Office: 344 Harriman Hall

Email: jiaru.bai AT stonybrook.edu


Ph.D. in Operations and Decision Technologies, University of California, Irvine, 2017.

M.S. in Statistics, University of California, Irvine, 2014.

B.S. in Economics, Beijing University, 2012.

B.S. in Engineering, Beihang University, 2012. 



Jiaru Bai is an assistant professor at the Stony Brook University College of Business. She received her Ph.D. in Management from the Paul Merage School of Business at the University of California, Irvine. She obtained a Master's degree in Statistics from UC Irvine, a B.S. degree in Engineering from Beihang University, and a double B.S. degree in Economics from Beijing University.

Her research interests lie in crowd-sourcing platforms, sustainability, and healthcare analytics. Her research projects apply economic and statistical models to analyze the tradeoffs between cost and effectiveness in various domains for both managers and individual decision-makers. Her research has been published in academic journals such as Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Decision Sciences, European Journal of Operational Research, Gynecologic Oncology, etc.


Jiaru Bai, Hans Sebastian (Seb) Heese, Manish Tripathy

Forthcoming at Production and Operations Management. (UTD 24, FT 50, ABDC A*)  LINK

Jiaru Bai, Qiang Gao

Forthcoming at Decision Sciences. (ABDC A*) LINK

Manish Tripathy, Jiaru Bai, Hans Sebastian (Seb) Heese 

Decision Sciences. 2023 Aug, 54(4): 434-446. (ABDC A*) LINK

Jiaru Bai, Christopher S. Tang

International Journal of Production Economics, 2022 Oct; 250:108672. (ABDC A) LINK

Jiaru Bai, Shu Hu, Luyi Gui, Kut C. So, Zujun Ma

Production and Operations Management, 2021, 30(8):2689-706. (UTD 24, FT 50, ABDC A*) LINK

Jiaru Bai, Haresh Gurnani, Shuya Yin

Production and Operations Management, 2022, 31(1):281-303. (UTD 24, FT 50, ABDC A*)  LINK

Jiaru Bai, Kut C. So, Christopher S. Tang, Xiqun (Michael) Chen, Hai Wang

Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, 2019, 21(3): 556-570. (UTD 24, FT 50, ABDC A*)  LINK

Juliet E. Wolford, Jiaru Bai, Lindsey E. Minion, Robin Keller, et al.

Journal of Clinical Oncology 36, no. 15_suppl (May 20, 2018) 5508-5508. LINK

Juliet E. Wolford, Jiaru Bai, Ramez H. Eskander, Robin L. Keller, et al.

Journal of Clinical Oncology 35, no. 15_suppl (May 2017) 5516-5516. LINK

Jiaru Bai, Kut C. So, Christopher S. Tang

European Journal of Operational Research, 2016, 253(3): 777-790. (ABDC A*) LINK

Other Publications

Juliet E. Wolford, Jiaru Bai, Kathleen N. Moore, et al.

Gynecologic Oncology, 2020, 157(2), 500-507. LINK

Cristina del Campo, Jiaru Bai, L Robin Keller

Operations Research for Health Care, 2019, 21, 32-43. LINK

Juliet E. Wolford, Krishnansu Sujata Tewari, Su-Ying Liang, Jiaru Bai, et al.

Journal of Clinical Oncology 37, no. 15_suppl (May 20, 2019) 5545-5545. LINK

Jiaru Bai, Kut C. So, Christopher S. Tang, Xiqun (Michael) Chen, Hai Wang

Sharing Economy: Making Supply Meet Demand. 2019:115-36. LINK

Juliet E. Wolford, Jiaru Bai, Ramez Hassef Eskander, Robin Keller, et al. 

Journal of Clinical Oncology 35, no. 15_suppl (May 20, 2017) 5516-5516. LINK

Jiaru Bai, Cristina del Campo, Robin Keller 

Investigación Operacional 38, no.1(2017). LINK 

Juliet E. Wolford, Jiaru Bai, Ramez Hassef Eskander, Robin Keller, et al.

Journal of Clinical Oncology 34, no. 15_suppl (May 20, 2016) 5563-5563. LINK 

Lindsey E. Minion, Jiaru Bai, Bradley J. Monk, Robin L. Keller, et al.

Gynecologic Oncology, 2015, 137(3): 490-496. LINK


Operations Management, UG

The objective of the course is to help students understand core concepts in operations management. Through a mixture of lectures, discussions, in-class exercises, and games, the course provides students with the tools and means to develop and manage efficient business processes that have the capacity to deliver high-quality products/services to meet their ever-changing customer demands in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Process Analytics, MSBA

Topics covered in the course include process flow analysis, flow-time analysis, capacity analysis, inventory analysis, and so on. By the end of the course, the students will learn the key concepts in process analytics, understand the complexity and challenges of process analytics, learn a set of core strategies and analytical models in process analytics, develop the ability to design the appropriate process model that fits into the business model of the company and the market needs.

Supply Chain Analytics, MSBA

The objective of the course is to help students develop a comprehensive understanding of the material, financial and information flow in a supply chain from the source of raw materials to the end customers. 

Spreadsheet Modeling, UG/MBA

Improves students' decision-making ability in an uncertain and complex environment. Teaches techniques widely used to assess and manage risk, structure problems, determine the optimal decision and estimate the impact of a decision on performance measures of interest. Through cases, lectures and exercises, sharpens students' problem-solving skills and analytical and logical thinking ability.

Supply Chain Manamagement, UG/MBA

This course intends to provide students with an overview of the managerial aspects of Supply Chain Management and B2B e-business. The course integrates the perspectives on supply chain management from information systems, operations, marketing and finance. Topics include supply chain strategy, demand planning, inventory management, transportation, distribution, warehousing, and supply chain coordination. It uses lectures, readings, cases, and online simulation games.

Business Statistics, UG

This course covers the most important statistical techniques and discuss their applications. The course objectives are: To apply statistical methodologies to analyze a real-world decision-making problem; To understand and explain the results of statistical analysis to business managers in layman terms; To gain proficiency with a statistical software package.

Awards and Honors