

The Compilation of the Time Series Non-competitive Input-output Tables in China: 1981-2018

We have compiled a time series non-competitive input-output table for China, covering the period from 1981 to 2018. Non-competitive input-output tables have many applications, such as calculating the domestic value-added ratio of exports and identifying the position of value chains in the global production network. We welcome applications for use.

Publication (in Chinese): 


Click here for data application.

The Chinese Firm-to-Firm Transactions Dataset: 2001-2022

We construct a comprehensive dataset of the firm-to-firm transactions in China from 2001 to 2022. This dataset compiles judicial data, customer announcements, annual reports, and bidding announcements, including extensive coverage across nearly all sectors and most provinces. Then, we provide several stylized facts to illustrate some characteristics of firm-to-firm transactions in recent years, containing the industrial and geographical distribution, concentration, and churn rates of transactions. It could be a valuable resource for industrial organization, trade, and spatial economics researchers. This paper provides detailed evidence on the dynamics of firms and industries and revisits trade theory at the transaction level.

Joint work with Jiansuo Pei and Ziheng Zhang (Available upon request).