”Curiosity, or love of the knowledge of causes, draws a man from consideration of the effect to seek the cause; and again, the cause of that cause; till of necessity he must come to this thought at last, that there is some cause whereof there is no former cause, but is eternal; which is it men call God. So that it is impossible to make any profound inquiry into natural causes without being inclined to believe there is one God eternal.”

Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)

Dr.-Ing. Jianguo Ding

Department of Computer Science

Blekinge Institute of Technology

371 79 Karlskrona, Sweden



Tel: +46 - 0455-385756

Jianguo Ding holds the degree of a Doktor-Ingenieur (Dr.-Ing.) (Doctorate in Engineering) from the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Hagen, Germany. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE (M'05, SM'11) and a Senior Member of the ACM (M'08, SM'20). His current research interests include cybersecurity, critical infrastructure protection, intelligent technologies, blockchain, distributed systems management and control, and serious game.