Jiangbo Yuan

Email:yuanjiangbo AT gmail DOT com

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I am Dr. Jiangbo Yuan, a dedicated Sr. Applied Researcher, and the Tech Lead Manager at eBay computer vision, where we are at the cutting edge of developing computer vision solutions that address complex challenges in e-commerce. My work has led to innovative solutions in compact image and text representations in embeddings, and in-house VectorDB systems indexing billions of products with images, impacting a variety of business decisions.

I earned my Ph.D. in Computer Science from Florida State University in 2014, specializing in computer vision and machine learning. My journey over the last decade has been focusing on crafting large-scale training and deploying deep learning models including image/video/text indexing, foundation models, object recognition, detection, image segmentation and generation, and AI-driven products that address complex challenges in the real world. I published 20+ research publications on top conferences and workshops including ICCV, CVPR, ECCV, MM, ICASSP, ICIP, ICDM, etc.

When I'm not deep into AI research, you'll often find me with a paintbrush in hand or chasing a soccer ball. Painting is my go-to escape; it's where I let my creativity flow freely, way beyond the digital world's 0s and 1s. It's amazing how a canvas can turn into something so expressive. And I love soccer. There's something about being on the field, working as the lead and a player of a team, that really brings me joy. It's a lot like the teamwork we have at work, but with more running and a lot less coding.