Word Cloud Based on the Titles of Recent work


[1] Loewenfeld, M., & Zheng, J. (2024). Salience or event-splitting? An experimental investigation of correlation sensitivity in risk-taking. Journal of the Economic Science Association, 1-21

[2] Gollier, C., van der Ploeg, F., & Zheng, J. (2023). The discounting premium puzzle: Survey evidence from professional economists (Dataset). Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 122, 102882. 

[3] Chi, Y., Zheng, J., & Zhuang, S. (2022). S-shaped narrow framing, skewness and the demand for insurance. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 105, 279-292. 

[4] Zheng, J. (2021). Willingness to pay for reductions in health risks under anticipated regret. Journal of Health Economics, 78, 102476. 

[5] Zheng, J. (2020). Optimal insurance design under narrow framing. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 180, 596-607. 

Working Papers

[1] Xu, J., Fan, S., & Zheng, J. (2023). Valuing mortality risk in the time of COVID-19: A stated-preference analysis in China (R&R at Risk Analysis)

[2] Zheng, J., & Zhou, L. (2023). Too risky to hedge: An experiment on narrow framing (R&R at Experimental Economics).

[3] Zheng, J., Couprie H., & Hopfensitz A. (2023). Collective risk taking by couples: Individual versus household risk (R&R at Theory and Decision).

[4] Chi, Y., Hu, T., Zhao, Z., Zheng, J. (2023). Optimal insurance design under Nash bargaining (R&R at Insurance: Mathematics and Economics).

[5] Zheng, J., & Li, Y. (2023). The role of loss aversion in shaping environmental relocation decisions (R&R at Economics Bulletin).

[6] Loewenfeld, M., & Zheng, J. (2023). Uncovering correlation sensitivity in decision making under risk

[7] Jia, R., Zhang, C., & Zheng, J. (2023). Motivated beliefs and insurance decisions between spouses. 

[8] Dong, W. & Zheng, J. (2023). Morality meets risk: What makes a good excuse for selfishness? 

[9] Chen, X., Jin, Y., Xu, J. & Zheng, J. (2024). The dynamics of public opinion on COVID-19 policies in China.

Selected Work in Progress

[1] Cardenas, J.C., Gong, Y., & Zheng, J (2023) How risk shapes cooperation: Evidence from public good games with rice farmers in four developing countries.

[2] Chen, H., Jia, R., Liu, Z., & Zheng, J (2024). Unintended effects of the pandemic on health insurance lapse: The role of narrow framing.

[3] Cao, Y., Li, Y., Yang, F.,  & Zheng, J. (2024). Environmental pollution, health risk perception and insurance take-up: Evidence from a national survey in China. 

[4] Anderson, H., Hammitt, J. & Zheng, J. (2024). Behavioral determinants of WTP and WTA for reducing health risks. 

[5] Loewenfeld, M. & Zheng, J. (2024). The power of regret: How looking backward impacts investors' behavior.