Jiahui Liu

I am a postdoctoral researcher at MIT CSAIL, hosted by Prof. Vinod Vaikuntanathan and Prof. Ran Canetti.

I'm interested in cryptography, quantum computing and general theoretical computer science.


I obtained my PhD degree in computer science from the University of Texas at Austin, advised by Prof. Scott Aaronson.  

Before coming to UT Austin, I obtained my bachelor degree in computer science at Columbia University.

Publications & Manuscripts:

Composition in Watermarking Schemes

In submission

Jiahui Liu, Mark Zhandry

Unclonable Secret Sharing  [Link] 

In submission

Prabhanjan Ananth, Vipul Goyal, Jiahui Liu, Qipeng Liu

Quantum Key Leasing for PKE and FHE with a Classical Lessor [Link] 

Contributed Talk at QCRYPT 2024

Orestis Chardouvelis, Vipul Goyal,  Aayush Jain, Jiahui Liu

Another Round of Breaking and Making Quantum Money: How to Not Build It from Lattices, and More [link]

EUROCRYPT 2023; Contributed Talk at QIP 2023

Jiahui Liu, Hart Montgomery, Mark Zhandry

Collusion Resistant Copy Protection for Watermarkable Functionalities [link]

TCC 2022,Contributed Talk at QIP 2023

Jiahui Liu, Qipeng Liu, Luowen Qian, Mark Zhandry

Beating Classical Impossibility of Position Verification [link]

ITCS 2022, Contributed Talk at QIP 2022

Jiahui Liu, Qipeng Liu, Luowen Qian

Hidden Cosets and Applications to Unclonable Cryptography [link]

CRYPTO 2021, Contributed Talk at QIP 2022 (Joint talk with Thomas Vidick, Eric Culf)

Contributed Talk at QCRYPT 2021

Andrea Coladangelo, Jiahui Liu, Qipeng Liu, Mark Zhandry

New Approaches for Quantum Copy-Protection [link]

CRYPTO 2021, Contributed Talk at TQC 2021

Scott Aaronson, Jiahui Liu, Qipeng Liu, Mark Zhandry, Ruizhe Zhang

Adaptive Security via Deletion in Attribute-Based Encryption: Solutions from Search Assumptions in Bilinear Groups [link]


Rishab Goyal, Jiahui Liu, Brent Waters

Secure Multiparty Computation in the Bounded Storage Model [link]

IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding 2021

Jiahui Liu, Satyanarayana Vusirikala

Mitigating the One-Use Restriction in Attribute-Based Encryption (ICISC 2018) [link]

Luke Kowalczyk, Jiahui Liu, Tal Malkin, Kailash Meiyappan

 Talks & Presentations

Invited Talk at Quantum Innovators 2023 at University of Waterloo

Invited Talk at QCRYPT 2022 , QCW 2022(Asiacrypt workshop), and IJTCS-FAW 2022 

Talk at TCC 2022

Contributed Talk at QIP 2022

Talk at ASIACRYPT 2021

Contributed Talk at CRYPTO 2021, TQC 2021

 Professional Activities

       Program Committee: 

Asiacrypt 2024, Eurocrypt 2024, TCC 2023, TQC 2024

Reviewers for Conferences:

FOCS 2024, CRYPTO 2024, STOC 2024, QIP 2024, SODA 2024, FOCS 2023, CCC 2023, CRYPTO 2023, STOC 2023, Eurocrypt 2023, QIP 2023, ITCS 2023, QCW 2022, SODA 2023, FOCS 2022, TCC 2022, Asiacrypt 2022, CRYPTO 2022, TQC 2022, STOC 2022, QIP 2022, Eurocrypt 2022, TCC 2021, FOCS 2020, Eurocrypt 2019.


Email 1:  jiahuiliu at csail.mit.edu

Email 2jiahuiliu.crypto at gmail.com


My major hobbies are movies, video games and literature.  

I'm also an amateur art-lover and a very amateur fan of classical music and jazz.