Teaching Experience

  • Linear Algebra with An Introduction to Matlab (Graduates, Tutor), Frankfurt am Main, Sep. 2018
  • Introductory Econometrics (Undergraduates, TA) , Frankfurt am Main, Apr.-Jul. 2016
  • International Trade (Undergraduates, TA), Beijing, Mar.-Jul.2013

Teaching Philosophy

In the journey of chasing after knowledge, I believe that any teacher can only play a role as a guide to a longer and more mysterious trip. That is a journey we all have to explore on our own, with curiosity, humbleness and faith.

To play the role as a teacher, what I can do is to be a good messenger. I will always try to convey as simple and inspiring as possible of what I have known, from my research experience or the time I have spent on certain topics, to those who are just too young to spend time on it or to those who just realize their interest on it.