Jiadi Zhu


B.Sc. (2018) School of EECS, Peking University

S.M. (2021) Department of EECS, MIT


Jiadi Zhu is a PhD candidate at Department of EECS, MIT. He received the Bachelor of Science degree in Microelectronics from Peking University (with the highest honor) in 2018 and worked at Institute of Microelectronics, Peking University as a research scientist in 2018-2019. 

Jiadi Zhu’s research aims at high-efficiency computation with ultra-low power consumptions. His present research covers a broad range of topics including high-performance transistor designs, large-scale integrations with novel material systems, power electronics, 2D material synthesis and characterizations, emerging logic and memory technologies. He has published more than 20 papers in high-impact journals and conferences, including first-author papers in Nature Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials, Applied Physics Reviews, and IEEE Electron Device Letters, with total citations >1,600 and an h-index of 16. He serves as the reviewer for Nature Electronics, Advanced Materials, IEEE Electron Device Letters (Golden reviewer), etc.

Graduate studentMTL, EECS, MITIEEE/ IEEE EDS Student member ('17)E-mail: jdzhu@mit.edu