- Excel Award from the Electric Power Research Institute (2018)
- International Society of Environmental Epidemiology Conference Travel Award (2015) from the University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine and the Brazilian Association of Collective Health
- Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (2015-2016) ($3000) from Yale Institute of Biospheric Studies, Yale University, CT
- International Society of Environmental Epidemiology Conference Travel Award (2014) from University of Washington, WA
- Doctoral Travel Award (2015) ($500) from School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, CT
- Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (2014-2015) ($2500) from Yale Institute of Biospheric Studies, Yale University, CT
- Doctoral Dissertation Grant (2014-2015) ($2500) from Yale Institute of Biospheric Studies, Yale University, CT
- Doctoral Travel Award (2014) ($500) from School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, CT
- Graduate Student Assembly Travel Award (2013) ($450) from Yale University, CT
- Doctoral Travel Award (2013) ($500) from School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, CT
- Doctoral Pilot Grant (2013- 2014) ($2500) from Yale Institute of Biospheric Studies, Yale University, CT
- Yale University Graduate Fellowship (Fall 2011-May 2016) from Yale University, CT
- Sustainable Study Abroad Student Research Grants (2009) ($500) from Middlebury College, VT
- Academic Conference Travel Fund (2008) ($500) from Middlebury College, VT