Johns Hopkins Math Colloquium
Spring 2025
Time: 3-4pm on the first Wednesday of each month
Location: Hodson 110
March 5: Gábor Székelyhidi, Northwestern University. The geometry of singular Kähler–Einstein metrics.
March 5: Gábor Székelyhidi, Northwestern University. The geometry of singular Kähler–Einstein metrics.
Abstract: The existence of a Kähler–Einstein metric can be a powerful tool to study complex manifolds. To use similar methods in the study of singular varieties, we need to understand the geometry of singular Kähler–Einstein metrics. I will discuss what some of the basic questions are, as well as some recent progress related to synthetic Ricci curvature bounds of metric measure spaces.
April 2: Hong Wang, NYU.
April 2: Hong Wang, NYU.