
Jyong-Hao Chen is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at National Central University in Taiwan (Departmental Website).

Research Interests

Condensed Matter Theory, Statistical Physics, and Qauntum Information Science. 

Specific research focuses:

Quantum Information Science: 

 ■ adiabatic quantum computation quantum algorithms quantum metrology quantum adiabaticity and quantum control quantum thermodynamics open quantum systems utilize quantum-information-based concepts to study quantum many-body systems

Condensed Matter Theory and Statistical Physics: 

quantum many-body systems in and out of equilibrium fundamental bounds in nonequilibrium quantum dynamics topological phases of matter frustrated magnetism and exotic excitations strongly correlated electrons quantum, statistical, and conformal field theory

Beyond condensed matter physics and quantum information science, he has a long-standing interest in the fundamental aspects of quantum field theory and its impact on statistical mechanics and quantum information science. In recent years, he has also developed an interest in theoretical computer science. For instance, he is fascinated by the application of (spectral) graph theory to quantum many-body systems and quantum computing.

Interested arXiv categories: Quantum Physics, Disordered Systems and Neural Networks, Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics, Quantum Gases, Statistical Mechanics, Strongly Correlated Electrons, Superconductivity, High Energy Physics-Theory

Generated by Scimeter; circa 2018

Contact: jyonghaochen "at" gmail.com

Pronunciation of his name in kanji: 陳 炯豪 (音読み: ちん けいごう)

Pronunciation of his name in katakana: ジョンハオ チェン