My specialty is theoretical high energy physics.

Most of my research, over the years, has focused  on non-perturbative aspects of QCD, particularly the quark confinement problem.  This has always been my main concentration.

But I have also dabbled, from time to time, in quantum gravity, inflationary cosmology, and condensed matter physics.

Right now I am working on:

the precise distinction between the Higgs and confinement phases of a gauge   Higgs theory, when these regions of the phase diagram are not entirely separated by a line of thermodynamic transition.   This ties in with the meaning of the word "confinement,"  when (as in QCD) the static quark potential flattens out at large quark-antiquark separations.

the possibility that the gauge and Higgs fields surrounding a static fermion     have a spectrum of localized excitations.  These excitations would appear as heavier versions of the lighter particles.

an improved Hartree-Fock treatment of the two-dimensional Hubbard model with possible applications to cuprate superconductivity.


All of my research papers are listed, starting with the most recent, on the INSPIRE web site. They can be accessed  by clicking  here .

Research Opportunities for graduate students

I am looking for a few good students to participate in my research effort in lattice gauge theory.   If you are an SFSU Master's degree student with

then you might be interested in getting involved.  If so, drop by, and let's talk.