Data and Code

Please find below links to data and code that I have made available from past and ongoing projects. Do not hesitate to contact me with questions about the data!

Examiner Assignment by Last Digit (from Crafting IP project)

As part of the project, we use application data to identify units that likely assign applications to examiners based on the last digit of the application number, which can be a useful source of variation in patent rights.

Please click here for a package with the code, data, and documentation. Our preferred list of "random" art unit x docket years can be found here.

PBM Financials and Cholesterol Drug Revenues

My informal collection of PBM financials (based on 10-K filings) and cholesterol drug revenues can be found here (Excel file). This is discussed in the Appendix of my paper on PBMs, and is intended to provide a sense of what PBM financials look like (fees, pass-through costs, overhead), and how the industry has evolved in the past twenty years.