iiI Meeting on Fundamentals and Applications of Interdiscipline

Registration and Abstracts submission until March 25th, 2022. Please, follow the instructions in Inscripción.

The III Meeting on Fundamentals and Applications of Interdiscipline (JFAI-2022, by its Spanish acronym) will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, during April, 2022, in a virtual modality.

The event will gather researchers and students from diverse disciplines and aims to discuss the fundaments and applications of interdisciplinary research, focusing on its theoretical aspects and on its importance for social, environmental and gender issues in our region.

The working hypothesis of the congress is that these investigations are inevitably crossed by the discussion about the role of researchers, science and science and technology institutions (S&T) in society. Issues related to the challenges in multi-, inter- and trans-disciplinary investigations will also be addressed. Moreover, we expect to address the differences among each one of them and about S&T evaluation processes.

The congress will be organised around the following core topics. It is important to make clear that these axes are a guide for the authors to prepare their proposals. Nevertheless, we invite authors to submit proposals that are not included below as long as they are related to the main theme of the congress.

1º axis: Production of scientific knowledge and transdiscipline

How is the scientific knowledge production process? Why is scientific knowledge divided into disciplines? Is this necessary for its development or is it a response to general historical needs of production organisation? Which is the relationship between scientific knowledge and other types of knowledge? Is a dialogue among different kinds of knowledge possible for knowledge construction? What would this require? Which are the limitations of reductionist methods for scientific development? Could disciplinary reductionism and compartmentalisation be surpassed? Which is the potential of multi-, inter or trans-disciplinary research?

2º axis: Cognition and Society: Towards an Integral Perspective

How do we know? How are learning, memory and knowledge production related? How is conscience developed, and which are its vulnerabilities? What are emotions, mind, conscience and body, and how are they related? What do we understand by needs, luck and freedom/free will and how are they expressed in decision making processes and, therefore, in the movement of reality? Which is the relationship between conscience, freedom and action? Is there universality, objectivity and neutrality in the production of scientific knowledge?

3º axis: Science for what and for whom? Scientific knowledge production in Latin America

What does working in science in Argentina and Latin America involve nowadays? Which are the roles of the state, local and transnational S&T institutions and individual capitals? What do we mean by public and private? Do patents favor or limit scientific production? Which are their roles? Are they still an important indicator for measuring innovation? Which are and which should be the main strategies regarding scientific policies? Making science in the periphery: for whom and for what? What strategies do science workers use to adapt their investigations to the current context of social and economic crisis? In which way could inter- or trans-discipline contribute to the discussion and comprehension of development problems?

4º axis: Feminism and scientific knowledge

How does patriarchy impacts on scientific production? Should scientific production be feminist? Which are the consequences of this perspective and which are the implications of ignoring it? Why should we fight for feminism within scientific production? Which contributions may science provide for a holistic approach to the development and perspectives of women movements and disagreements, gender issues, claims for a law of legal termination of pregnancy or sexual education policies?

5º axis: Nature, socio-territorial conflicts and socio-environmental problems

What do we understand by sovereignty in terms of food, energy, communication, technology and health? Which disputes arise in the context of social struggles related to the appropriation, management and use of nature? Nature: natural resources or common goods? Are new socio-territorial conflicts arising with the advance of the extractivist model in Argentina and Latin America? How does extractivism intensification affect different social actors, such as indigenous peoples, fumigated towns, peasant movements, local/regional organisations and/or assemblies, among others?

6° axis: Public health from the multi, inter and transdisciplinary perspective

The health systems before COVID-19. Environmental problems and their relationship with COVID-19. Treatments and vaccines: the public and private production of medicines. Telework, housing/living conditions and mental health in the context of pandemic. COVID-19, the gender gap and hate crimes. The role of science and interdisciplinary research in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Although we propose a whole thematic axis for COVID-19, we understand that all the axes can be crossed transversally by this theme, so that the questions of the other axes can also be triggers for this.

Important dates

Deadline for proposals: March 25th, 2022.

How to Apply? Submit your proposal to the following link:


Organizing Committee

  • Alejandra Valverde (Departamento de Ciencias Sociales, UnLu - Programa de Investigación "Redes epistémicas")

  • Alejandro Czernikier (Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas en Retrovirus y SIDA - UBA/CONICET)

  • Carla Poth (CONICET)

  • Federico Giovannetti (Unidad de Neurobiología Aplicada (UNA, CEMIC-CONICET)

  • Federico Holik (IFLP-CONICET)

  • Francisco Gelman Constantin (Instituto de Literatura Hispanoamericana - UBA / CONICET / Instituto de Salud Colectiva - UNLa)

  • Juan Duarte (Editor de las colecciones Ciencia, Ecología y Marxismo en Ediciones IPS)

  • María Florencia Barbarich (Instituto Rodolfo Kusch, Universidad Nacional de Jujuy - CONICET)

  • Mercedes García Carrillo (Grupo de Biología de Sistemas y Filosofía del Cáncer, iB3-DFBMC-FCEyN-UBA)

  • Santiago Benítez-Vieyra (Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - CONICET)

  • Verónica Adriana Ramírez (Unidad de Neurobiología Aplicada (UNA, CEMIC-CONICET); Ftad de Psicología, UBA)

Scientific Committee

  • Cecilia Gárgano (CONICET; LICH (UNSAM) / Grupo Filosofía de la Biología, FCEN-FFyL-UBA)

  • Cecilia Rikap (City, University of London y CONICET)

  • Clara Maria Minaverry (Instituto de Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable, UnLu-CONICET)

  • Diana Maffia (IIEGE-FFyL-UBA)

  • Fanny Gallot (Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes y Université Paris-Est Créteil)

  • Hernán Gustavo Solari (IFIBA-CONICET, FCEyN-UBA)

  • Hugo Harari-Kermadec (Université Paris Saclay)

  • Julia Soul (CEIL CONICET)

  • María Eugenia Suárez (Grupo de Etnobiología, DBBE-FCEyN-UBA e INMIBO-CONICET)

  • Mariana Córdoba (CONICET / FFyL-UBA)

  • Matías Blaustein (Grupo de Biología de Sistemas y Filosofía del Cáncer, iB3-DFBMC-FCEyN-UBA)

  • Nicolás Lavagnino (Laboratorio de Evolución, FCEN-UBA/IEGEBA-CONICET / Grupo Filosofía de la Biología, FCEN-FFyL-UBA)

  • Olimpia Lombardi (UBA-CONICET)

  • Pablo Nicolás Fernández Larrosa (Laboratorio de la Conciencia; IFIBYNE-CONICET, FCEyN-UBA)

  • Rodrigo Castro (ICC-UBA-CONICET y DC-FCEyN-UBA)

  • Siobhan Guerrero Mc Manus (Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM / Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades (CEIICH-UNAM)

Contact: jornadasinterdisciplina@gmail.com

Web site: https://sites.google.com/view/jfai2022

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Follow us on Instagram: https://twitter.com/JFAI2022