After you remove overcloud nodes from the stack, power off these nodes. In a standard deployment, the bare metal services on the director control this function. However, with pre-provisioned nodes, you must either manually shut down these nodes or use the power management control for each physical system. If you do not power off the nodes after removing them from the stack, they might remain operational and reconnect as part of the overcloud environment.

If your environment uses Instance HA, the Pacemaker resources do not start until you start the Compute nodes or perform a manual unfence operation with the pcs stonith confirm command. You must run this command on each Compute node that uses Instance HA.

Tempest DD-21-B-6.5 Operation Manual

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This manual describes NCO, which stands for netCDF Operators.NCO is a suite of programs known as operators.Each operator is a standalone, command line program executed at theshell-level like, e.g., ls or mkdir. The operators take netCDF files (including HDF5 filesconstructed using the netCDF API) as input, perform anoperation (e.g., averaging or hyperslabbing), and produce a netCDF file as output. The operators are primarily designed to aid manipulation and analysis of data.The examples in this documentation are typical applications of theoperators for processing climate model output. This stems from their origin, though the operators are as general asnetCDF itself.

Note for HTML users

The definition of mathematical operations involving rank reduction(e.g., averaging) relies heavily on mathematical expressions whichcannot easily be represented in HTML. See the printed manual for much more detailedand complete documentation of this subject.The definitions of some of these operations are not universally useful.Mostly they were chosen to facilitate standard statisticalcomputations within the NCO framework.We are open to redefining and or adding to the above. If you are interested in having other statistical quantitiesdefined in NCO please contact the NCO project(see Help Requests and Bug Reports). be457b7860

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