

The Jewish Rohingya Justice Network is the prominent consortium of Jewish NGOs advocating for the rights of the persecuted Rohingya people of Burma. JRJN’s membership includes 35 organizations and all four major branches of American Judaism—all standing together against genocide.

Some of our members include:

1. American Jewish Committee

2. Anti-Defamation League

3. Association of Rabbis and Cantors

4. Cantors Assembly

5. Central Conference of American Rabbis


7. Indianapolis Jewish Community Relations Council

8. Jewish Community Relations Council/American Jewish Committee - Detroit

9. Jewish Community Relations Council of Atlanta

10. Jewish Community Relations Council of New York

11. Jewish Council for Public Affairs

12. Jewish Labor Committee

13. Jewish World Watch

14. Mitzvah Matzos

15. Oregon Jewish Museum and Center for Holocaust Education

16. Rabbinical Assembly

17. Reconstructing Judaism

18. Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association

19. Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism

20. Society for Humanistic Judaism

21. T’ruah

22. Torat Chayim

23. The Board of Rabbis of Greater Rhode Island

24. The Orthodox Union

25. The Union for Reform Judaism

Our allies are:

1. Foundation for Ethnic Understanding

2. Hebrew College

3. Jewish Democratic Council of America

4. L'chaim! Jews Against the Death Penalty

5. The Muslim-Jewish Solidarity Committee

6. The New York Board of Rabbis

7. Never Again Coalition

8. The Shalom Center

9. Uri L’Tzedek

Do you represent an American Jewish organization that wants to join the Jewish Rohingya Justice Network?
