Szivessy Kárász Mária

Mária Szivessy Kárász, leading socialite and supporter of

various artists is buried here as well. She was born in 1886 as the daughter of

a lawyer. She and her three brothers grew up to be well educated and cultured.

She was best friends with well-known hungarian author Margit Kaffka, and her

family hosted literary salons, having guests such as poets Gyula Juhász and

Miklós Radnóti or director and film critic Béla Balázs. She was the secretary

of the Feminist Association of Szeged. In 1944, she was hauled off with thousands of other people to the ghetto, and then deported by train. She never came back, she was murdered in January of 1945, in Theresienstadt.