Jewish Death Camps

Whole Truth about the Holocaust Industry

Historical movie from ghetto. Jewish Nazi Ghetto Police brutally drive Jews to the wagons going to Auschwitz:

JUDENRAT (Jewisch Nazi Ghetto Police).

Judenrat (plural: Judenräte; German for "Jewish council") was a widely used administrative agency imposed by Nazi Germany during World War II, predominantly within the ghettos in Nazi-occupied Europe, and the Jewish ghettos in German-occupied Poland. The Nazi German administration required Jews to form a Judenrat in every community across the occupied territories.

Hannah Arendt stated in her 1963 book Eichmann in Jerusalem that without the assistance of the Judenräte, the registration of the Jews, their concentration in ghettos and, later, their active assistance in the Jews' deportation to extermination camps, fewer Jews would have perished because the Germans would have encountered considerable difficulties in drawing up lists of Jews. In occupied Europe, the Nazis entrusted Jewish officials with the task of making such lists of Jews along with information about the property they owned. The Judenräte also directed the Jewish police to assist the Germans in catching Jews and loading them onto transport trains leaving for Nazi concentration camps.

In her book, Arendt wrote that: "To a Jew, this role of the Jewish leaders in the destruction of their own people is undoubtedly the darkest chapter of the whole dark story. [...] In the matter of cooperation, there was no distinction between the highly assimilated Jewish communities of Central and Western Europe and the Yiddish-speaking masses of the East. In Amsterdam as in Warsaw, in Berlin as in Budapest, Jewish officials could be trusted to compile the lists of persons and of their property...


A kapo or prisoner functionary (German: Funktionshäftling, see § Etymology) was a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp who was assigned by the SS guards to supervise forced labor or carry out administrative tasks. Also called "prisoner self-administration", the prisoner functionary system minimized costs by allowing camps to function with fewer SS personnel.

The origin of "kapo" is unclear. The Jewish Virtual Library claims, it is an abbreviated form of the word Kameradschaftpolizei (roughly, "comrade police force") or perhaps Kameradschafts-Polizei. It could have also come from the Italian word for "head" and "boss", capo. According to the Duden, it is derived from the French word for "Corporal" (fr:Caporal). Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Robert D. McFadden believes that the word "kapo" is derived from the German word Lagercapo meaning camp captain.

Prisoner functionaries were spared physical abuse and hard labor, provided they performed their duties to the satisfaction of the SS functionaries. They also had access to certain privileges, such as civilian clothes and a private room. While the Germans commonly called them kapos, the official government term for prisoner functionaries was Funktionshäftling.

Jewish Nazi Ghetto Polizei ranks, armbands and badges:

Chaim Mordechai Rumkowski (February 27, 1877 – August 28, 1944) was a Polish Jew and wartime businessman appointed by Nazi Germany as the head of the Council of Elders in the Łódź Ghetto during the occupation of Poland in World War II.] He accrued exponentially more power by transforming the Ghetto into an industrial base manufacturing war supplies for the Wehrmacht army in the mistaken belief that productivity was the key to Jewish survival beyond the Holocaust. The Germans liquidated the ghetto in 1944. All remaining prisoners were sent to death camps in the wake of military defeats on the Eastern Front of World War II.

Rumkowski is remembered for his speech Give Me Your Children, delivered at a time when the Germans demanded his compliance with the deportation of 20,000 children to Chełmno extermination camp. In August 1944, Rumkowski and his family joined the last transport to Auschwitz, and were murdered there on August 28, 1944 by Jewish Sonderkommando inmates who beat him to death as revenge for his role in the Holocaust. This account of his final moments is confirmed by witness testimonies of the Frankfurt Auschwitz trials.


Holocaust, coommited in cooperation with Nazi Germans:

Auschwitz Jewish - German concentration camp

Auschwitz concentration camp (German: Konzentrationslager Auschwitz, also KZ Auschwitz or KL Auschwitz) was a network of German Nazi concentration camps and extermination camps built and operated in areas of Poland that were annexed by Nazi Germany during World War II. It consisted of Auschwitz I (the original camp), Auschwitz II–Birkenau (a combination concentration/extermination camp), Auschwitz III–Monowitz (a labor camp to staff an IG Farben factory), and 45 satellite camps.

Auschwitz I was first constructed to hold Polish political prisoners, who began to arrive in May 1940. The first extermination of prisoners took place in September 1941, and Auschwitz II–Birkenau went on to become a major site of the Nazi Final Solution to the Jewish Question. From early 1942 until late 1944, transport trains delivered Jews to the camp's gas chambers from all over German-occupied Europe, where they were killed en masse with the pesticide Zyklon B. An estimated 1.3 million people were sent to the camp, of whom at least 1.1 million died. Around 90 percent of those killed were Jewish; approximately 1 in 6 Jews killed in the Holocaust died at the camp.[1][2] Others deported to Auschwitz included 150,000 Poles, 23,000 Romani and Sinti, 15,000 Soviet prisoners of war, 400 Jehovah's Witnesses, and tens of thousands of others of diverse nationalities, including an unknown number of homosexuals.[3] Many of those not killed in the gas chambers died of starvation, forced labor, infectious diseases, individual executions, and medical experiments.

Erhard Milch (30 March 1892 – 25 January 1972) was a German field marshal who oversaw the development of the Luftwaffe as part of the re-armament of Nazi Germany following World War I. During World War II, he was in charge of aircraft production; his ineffective management resulted in the decline of the German air force and its loss of air superiority as the war progressed. He was convicted of war crimes during the Milch Trial held before the U.S. military court in 1947 and sentenced to life imprisonment; he was released in 1954.

Milch was born in Wilhelmshaven, the son of Anton Milch, a Jewish pharmacist who served in the Imperial German Navy, and Clara Milch, née Vetter. The Gestapo would later investigate Milch multiple times due to his Jewish heritage



On David Friedman, the ‘kapo’ smear, and Jewish honor

[...Long after former Jewish kapos could be identified on the streets of Israel or Europe, the subject of how these men and women were dealt with remained taboo. “Jewish Honor Courts,” published last year by the US Holocaust Memorial Museum, is the first book to probe how postwar Jewish communities enacted justice on kapos and other collaborators, both in Israel and Europe.

Unfortunately for researchers, the content of Israel’s “collaborator” trials was also sealed for 70 years, meaning that most trial records from the 1960s have yet to be released. It is known, however, that about 40 trials were heard by 1964, and that 15 defendants received mild sentences. Held under Israel’s 1950 law against former Nazis and Nazi collaborators, the trials received scant attention until 1961, when key Shoah logistics master Adolf Eichmann of the SS was kidnapped and tried in Jerusalem.

But before there was Eichmann, there was 26-year-old Else Tarnek (or Trank), a former “block commando” in Auschwitz-Birkenau. Tarnek’s 1951 trial saw Israeli prosecutors seeking the death penalty against her. Israeli judges had something else in mind when they sentenced the former 18-year-old kapo.

“We must take the circumstances under consideration,” wrote one of the judges. “The defendant was placed in charge, against her will, of a block of 1,000 persecuted women. …It was not proven to us that the defendant identified in any of her acts with the Germans,” said the court, which sentenced Tarnek to a stint in prison but released her on the same day, determining she had suffered enough during two years of legal proceedings...]

Jewish Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Ben Porat Tells The Truth About Why Hitler Hated The Jews - 2017

How Jewish newspapers knew about the holocaust two decades before Hitler came into power?

Shocking discovery in library: In last two decades before the WWII started the amount of 6 millions Jews murdered in holocaust was mentioned several times in Jewish newspapers distributed in USA and UK! It proves that the extermination of European Jews was planned and financed by American Zionists in order to overtake victim's properties and assets! Prof. Norman Finkelstein was right - The Holocaust Industry is the biggest fraud ever!

The truth about the Holocaust -it was a hoax!

Jewish author reveals:

American Nazi Congress -New York 1939.

Bitter truth about the Holocaust -it was founded by American AshkeNazis!

American Jews ordered Hitler to exterminate their European brothers to steal their property after the WWII. That's are the roots of the holocaust industry!

Icchak Kacenelson, "The Song of the murdered Jewish People":

I am the one who saw it all up close,

Children, wives and husbands, and these hoary-headed old men of mine

Like stones and slivers tossed on carts by an executioner

who flogged them without a shade of pity, abused them with inhumane words.

I looked at all this through the window, and saw bands of killers –

Oh God, I saw those who were beating and the beaten marching to their death...

I wrought my hands in shame… shame and disgrace –

Through Jewish hands the death came upon the Jews – the defenseless Jews!

Traitors, those in shining bootlegs who ran in empty streets

Like with a swastica on their caps – with David’s shield they marched full of ire

With their mouths that wounded those words foreign to them, arrogant and ferocious,

Who threw us down the stairs and dragged us from our homes.

Who tore doors open only to burst in with violence, those bastards,

With a club raised high and ready to hit – into the homes overwhelmed with terror.

They pounded on us, hustling the elders and shoving our youngest

Somewhere into the streets overflowing with fear. And they spat straight into God’s face.

They found us in the closets and pulled us from under the beds,

And foul-mouthedly yelled: „Press on, to Hell, to umschlag, where it is that you belong”

They dragged us all from our homes, only to hunt in them a bit longer,

To take the last piece of cloth, a bite of bread and groats.

And once in the street – they went mad! Look and cringe, for

this dead street came to be a single cry of terror –

From one end to another so empty and yet full as never before –

Lorries! Heavy with so much despair and screaming...

Inside of them sit the Jews! Pulling their hair and wringing their hands.

Some remain silent – their silence screams even louder.

They stare… their gaze… is it for real? Or maybe it’s no more but a horrible dream?

Next to them are standing the Jewish police – atrocious and savage scoundrels!

Nearby – a German with a slight smile keeps an eye on them,

The German stands at a distance and observes – he doesn’t need to meddle in,

For he kills my Jews with the Jewish hands!