Terms of Service

Updated July 25, 2023

There are certain subjects and themes I can’t/won’t draw, and will decline the commission without a detailed explanation as to why. If your commission inquiry includes any of them, you will be notified. From there on, we can discuss alternative options/ideas, or cancel the commission,

Can Do!


Process & Disclaimers

Getting Started

In Progress




Please note that while I will not ask you to state a reason for requesting the cancellation of your commission, any suspicious activity in this regard will affect whether I'll accept any future commissions from you or not.

Filing a dispute for the transfer without having contacted me, or doing so after you've been provided with the sketch for your commission, is a violation of my Terms of Service, and will permanently ban you from my services and revoke your rights to any works commissioned from me to date. In addition, you will be put on a public blacklist for other artists to see and be wary of.