Sell Your Old Diamonds

Where Can I Sell My Diamond?

Deciding to sell a diamond can be a very difficult decision. You may have inherited a diamond from your great-grandmother and have sentimental value attached to it. However, financial needs may need to take priority at this time in your life.

There are many reasons you may be looking for the best place to sell diamonds. Many people sell their valuable jewelry so they can accumulate funds for higher education, home renovations, a new car, paying off a loan, or simply to invest. 

The first question you need to reflect on is: Are you ready to sell your diamond? If the answer is yes, here’s what you need to know to sell your diamonds for cash.

While selling diamonds can be lucrative, it’s not as straightforward as selling other precious valuables like gold. Gold has a quantifiable melt value, whereas the resale prices for diamonds do not have one objective measure like this one.

How do You Value A Diamond?

Diamonds are primarily evaluated based on the “4 C’s” including Clarity, Cut, Color and Carat Weight.

Understanding how each of these 4 C’s applies to your specific diamond will go a long way in helping determine how much the diamond could actually be worth. Submitting your diamond for an evaluation by the GIA (Gemological Institute of America) is the best way to determine what the diamond could be worth on the free market. After your grading is complete, you will receive an official certificate with all of the diamond’s attributes that affect the value of your diamond.

Summary: Go To iValue Lab to Sell Your Diamond

So if you’re asking yourself, “Where can I sell my diamond?” Try iValue Lab. Based in the heart of New York City, their team of specialists are happy to guide you in the process of selling your diamond.

iValue Lab prides themselves on their seamless customer experience. You first navigate to the free appraisal form on the iValue Lab website and include a description of your ring along with photos. iValue Lab will provide a rough estimate of the jewelry appraisal, although they need the jewelry on hand to give you the most accurate estimate.

If you wish to move forward, iValue Lab will send a courier to go pick up the jewelry. iValue Lab covers the cost of transportation and insurance so you are fully covered. Once your ring reaches them, the entire process is recorded on video, so you have full transparency. You will receive a final offer once their in-house gemologist inspects and appraises the ring. iValue Lab consistently receives high ratings and reviews from their customers who say that iValue Lab is where they received the highest offer for their diamond.

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