Jeudi Bière 

Code of Conduct


Our community is a cool place to find friends and socialize. It’s NOT a place to look for dates. 

Excessive flirting, or making unwanted advances towards others is not accepted. 


Don’t send unsolicited DMs to other users, ask before you DM them.

If someone sends you Direct Messages that make you uncomfortable, you can contact moderators about the situation. Moderators are Théo, Chun, Astrid and Sarah.


Be kind, respectful, and inclusive towards everyone at the meetup. 

Racism, homophobia, transphobia, mysogyny/misandry, bullying, or toxic ideologies will not be tolerated. 


Be civil and respect people's boundaries, and do not touch or make physical contact with others without their consent. Any form of harassment or abuse will not be tolerated. 

This code of conduct aims to keep our community safe and sure for everyone who participates. The rules listed here may evolve over time. Any violation of the code of conduct may result in being told to leave the community.