My name is Jonathan Thompson, majoring in Film, Media, & Television. I've always had a love for film, and it's been through film and other entertainment mediums like it that have fueled my love for time travel as well. I think it all started with Back to the Future. It was fun and captivating; it made me excited for what the future could have in store. It had everything: flying cars, hoverboards, the wild west, and an eye-catching rock performance! My eyes were glued to the screen all night, and before I knew it, I had finished the entire Back to the Future trilogy in a single sitting.

As a kid, time travel always amazed me; it still does. Even though I know it is an entirely fictional concept, I find it to be unbelievably fascinating. I often think about going back in time and experiencing pivotal moments in history – or preventing the cancellation of one of my favorite shows, Brooklyn Nine-Nine. The overwhelming depth to which one can extrapolate from a simple idea such as time travel, has brought me to love and cherish the clever ways it is implemented in entertainment media today.