I only use the webversion of Instagram, and since yesterday I cannot see followers of people. If I click on it, the page just doesn't react, and I cannot do anything on that page anymore. There is no way to report this by the way if you are just using the webversion.

In addition to providing data redundancy, followers can also be used to change database plans, underlying infrastructure, or minor versions with minimal downtime. To update your database with a follower, see this guide on updating Heroku Postgres.

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Heroku allows you to easily horizontally scale your app by adding additional dynos to meet capacity. Similarly, as detailed earlier, Heroku Postgres allows you to horizontally scale your database by adding read-only followers to the lead database. While these followers are great for analytical purposes, you can also use them via your application for handling read-only queries to your data. This type of architecture can be used to improve app performance as well as work around Heroku Postgres connection limits.

Time-bound follower statistics: To retrieve time-bound follower statistics, include the timeIntervals query parameter. The API returns the aggregate follower count for both paid and organic followers during the days, weeks or months of the selected date range, based on the specified timeIntervals.timeGranularityType.

Calling organizationalEntityFollowerStatistics without specifying a timeIntervals parameter will retrieve lifetime follower statistics segmented by various demographic facets. Demographic results are rolled up as a total of both organic and paid followers in the organicFollowerCount field. Do not refer to the paidFollowerCount field for demographic statistics.

Follower statistics can be broken down by 7 demographic facets. The results for any individual facet are limited to the top 100 results. For example, if a page has followers in more than 100 countries/regions, only the top 100 countries/regions will be returned.

Managing an open source project really takes a lot of efforts. There are many repeated tasks which wastes your time everywhere: Testing, Building, Releasing, ... and sometimes, you'd also want to update your followers with the new released version.

Feeling happy about things, she decides to post a public message to her followers. Soon the following message is blasted to all the members of her followers collection, and since it has the special Public group addressed, is generally readable by anyone.

The server MUST perform de-duplication of activities returned by the inbox. Duplication can occur if an activity is addressed both to an actor's followers, and a specific actor who also follows the recipient actor, and the server has failed to de-duplicate the recipients list. Such deduplication MUST be performed by comparing the id of the activities and dropping any activities already seen.

Every actor SHOULD have a followers collection. This is a list of everyone who has sent a Follow activity for the actor, added as a side effect. This is where one would find a list of all the actors that are following the actor. The followers collection MUST be either an OrderedCollection or a Collection and MAY be filtered on privileges of an authenticated user or as appropriate when no authentication is given.

Activities addressed to this special URI shall be accessible to all users, without authentication. Implementations MUST NOT deliver to the "public" special collection; it is not capable of receiving actual activities. However, actors MAY have a sharedInbox endpoint which is available for efficient shared delivery of public posts (as well as posts to followers-only); see 7.1.3 Shared Inbox Delivery.

Alyssa makes a post about her having successfully presented a paper at a conference and sends it to her followers collection, which includes her friend Ben. Ben replies to Alyssa's message congratulating her and includes her followers collection on the recipients. However, Ben has no access to see the members of Alyssa's followers collection, so his server does not forward his messages to their inbox. Without the following mechanism, if Alyssa were then to reply to Ben, her followers would see Alyssa replying to Ben without having ever seen Ben interacting. This would be very confusing!

For servers hosting many actors, delivery to all followers can result in an overwhelming number of messages sent. Some servers would also like to display a list of all messages posted publicly to the "known network". Thus ActivityPub provides an optional mechanism for serving these two use cases.

When an object is being delivered to the originating actor's followers, a server MAY reduce the number of receiving actors delivered to by identifying all followers which share the same sharedInbox who would otherwise be individual recipients and instead deliver objects to said sharedInbox. Thus in this scenario, the remote/receiving server participates in determining targeting and performing delivery to specific inboxes.

Sometimes a successful Follow subscription may occur but at some future point delivery to the follower fails for an extended period of time. Implementations should be aware that there is no guarantee that actors on the network will remain reachable and should implement accordingly. For instance, if attempting to deliver to an actor for perhaps six months while the follower remains unreachable, it is reasonable that the delivering server remove the subscriber from the followers list. Timeframes and behavior for dealing with unreachable actors are left to the discretion of the delivering server.

Creators can also use voice notes to share their latest updates and behind-the-scenes moments, and even create polls to crowdsource fan feedback. Only creators can send messages in broadcast channels, while followers can react to content and vote in polls.

Once a creator gets access to broadcast channels and sends the first message from their Instagram inbox, their followers will receive a one-time notification to join the channel. Anyone can discover the broadcast channel and view the content, but only followers who join the channel will receive notifications whenever there are updates.

TiDB uses Region as the basic unit to distribute data to all nodes in the cluster. A Region can have multiple replicas, and the replicas are divided into a leader and multiple followers. When the data on the leader changes, TiDB will update the data to the followers synchronously.

By default, TiDB only reads and writes data on the leader of the same Region. When a read hotspot occurs in a Region, the Region leader can become a read bottleneck for the entire system. In this situation, enabling the Follower Read feature can significantly reduce the load of the leader and improve the throughput of the whole system by balancing the load among multiple followers.

Creators can use broadcast channels as a casual, quick way to keep followers up-to-date. They can use text, photo, video and voice notes to share their latest updates and behind-the-scenes moments and even create polls to crowdsource fan feedback. Only creators can send messages, while followers can react to content and vote in polls.

We\u2019ve reached over one million followers on Instagram, and to celebrate, chefs and diners around the world are celebrating by sharing their favorite meals along with dishes created specifically to commemorate the occasion.

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