You and I are closer to some people than we are to others. We have acquaintances, friends and loved ones. We share some things with everyone and more personal things with our friends but we reserve our most intimate moments for those who know us best and are in the best position to understand when something unexpected or troubling happens in our lives.

Jesus was closer to some of his followers than to others. He had many disciples, 12 apostles and an inner circle of three best friends: Peter, James and his beloved disciple, John. He shared some things with all of his followers and more personal things with the apostles -- for instance the Last Supper, but he reserved his most intimate moments for his inner circle.

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Jesus shared with these three closest friends his most glorious moments like his Transfiguration in todays Gospel and his most painful moments, like the Agony in the Garden. These three were the ones who knew Jesus the best and the price he was paying personally to do his Father's will. These three knew more than the other who Jesus was on the inside -- they knew more about his courage, as well as his fears -- which is what will make Peter and James' abandonment of Jesus on Good Friday particularly painful.

But his very best friend, John, did stay with him all the way to the end. And notice, John was the only apostle who ended up dying later of natural causes. Why? Maybe because he had already experienced a type of martyrdom -- spiritual martyrdom -- by risking his life to stay with Jesus at the foot of his cross. Peter and James ended up dying for Christ later -- finally embracing, courageously, the cross that they had earlier tried to flee.

And that is the basic message of Jesus' Transfiguration for us: the only road that leads to glory passes through Calvary. This is true for both Jesus and all of his followers -- the apostles and now us ... and above all those of us who are priests and seminarians.

If you are not willing to bear a cross, you're not yet following Jesus. If you go to the seminary seeking your own glory, to win the esteem of others and the power that comes with the sacrament of orders, you are on the wrong path because this is not the path of Jesus. You will not be able to be faithful to your promise of celibacy without embracing a cross. You will not be able to be faithful to your promise of obedience without embracing a cross. You will not be able to protect the flock entrusted to your care without embracing a cross. As the Jews say, "The Rabbi whom everyone likes is no Rabbi." If you bear your cross with love, one day you will receive a crown, but otherwise, not.

Today Peter, James and John see Jesus transfigured with glory -- his face shining like the sun and his clothes as white as light. Later they will see him transfigured with pain -- sweating blood during his Agony in the Garden, whipped and crowned with thorns on Good Friday, his body broken but not his spirit, which remained courageously resolute to do his Father's will completely.

And then finally on Easter Sunday, they will see him transfigured in glory once again as on the day of his Transfiguration, but now bearing in his resurrected body the wounds by which you and I were saved.

And it is only then that it will all begin to make sense: Jesus' glorious identity as the Son of God who will save us by means of a very un-glorious death, which is something they're not quite ready to understand yet, which is why, as they were coming down from the mountain of his Transfiguration, Jesus charged them, "Do not tell the vision to anyone until the Son of Man has risen from the dead."

For me, being a best friend means I will always have your back and I will love you no matter what. I will be there for you through anything, even if that means picking you up at a random dumpster after a night full of regrets. And my friends would do the same for me. My best friends inspire me, encourage me, challenge me, and make me a better person. I feel like I can tell them anything. To me, being best friends is the best!

Paula Frances Price is a team leader and campus staff member for InterVarsity at the University of Georgia, and a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. She lives with her husband, Greg Price, daughter, and puppy in Athens, Georgia, where they enjoy hanging out in the park and eating good Southern cooking!

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It is a wonderful gift to have a best friend, and through the Scriptures we have seen what best friends can do for each other, but let me ask you this, do you treat Jesus like you do your best friend? We sing songs about having a friend in Jesus, but is Jesus your best friend seven days a week or just on Sunday? Let me ask you these questions:

Kara, I think we ALL struggle at times with this. When God raises the awareness in my heart I know it is time to look inward and see what is exactly going on and many times it is because I am lacking in my own personal time with God. I think because we live in an instant gratification world that I want instant answers too and my best friend is good about answering me when I want her too and Jesus says, Be Still ? Thanks You for commenting and I will be praying for you and would appreciate your prayers too!

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Read the gospel of John from the perspective of a best friend who desperately wants you to know how amazing their person is and to join them in a relationship that might just lead you to a better life.

- Blue Letter Bible website: This is a great site for looking up words and phrases in the original language that are interesting to you as you read. It also has commentary, dictionaries, and other types of resources linked to every passage.

- From Gospels to Glory: Exploring the New Testament: A resource by Kenneth G. Hanna. This is a resource book with fantastic introductions to every new testament book. My favorite thing in this book is a one-page chart of every book. Each book at a glance!

- Recovering the Way: A book by Bob Ronglien, an archaeologist who has studied the ancient world in which Jesus lived and ministered. His insights will put you inside the towns and cultures through which Jesus walked in the book of John.

Do you feel limited in your ability to grasp, digest & integrate scripture when you read it? If so, try out one of the authors end-note suggestions for better understanding scripture, and be sure to tune-in to the Bible Challenge series on John, for step-by-step guidance & teaching.

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He accepts you as a friend regardless of any qualification. He wants to be a good friend and spend time with you. Being a friend of God shows our trust in God and intimacy with God. It is available to you and me today through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Becoming a friend of Jesus begins with love for God through Christ Jesus. Only love can create reciprocated love.

Know that He has forgiven your sins, freed you from the chains of curses, and He has bled and died for you on the cross. Not only that, even if he dies, he wants to rise again and make you his friend.

If you make him your friend, he will be able to advise you, guide you, comfort you, and help you through this. May be Who soever forsakes you, He will not forsake you. He has promised that I will be with you all the days until the end of the world. Is Jesus, such a best friend, a friend to you? If you ask me, I will say 'yes'.

Jesus is my best friend because he always has time for me. I can talk to him anytime. I can talk to him anywhere. No one cares for me like Jesus. He wants me to come to Him in all things concerning myself.

When Jesus says he is our friend, we need to find out what that friendship looks like so that then we can do our part in relating to him as our best friend, and learning how to be those kind of friends ourselves.

Tonight is Maundy Thursday and for our meditation I was going to focus on the Passover again as we have done in previous years; such a rich seam of truth to dig into as we look at the lamb that was slain and reflect on how its innocent blood was shed for protection and deliverance from death.

What kind of friend is this? He is our model for relationships because he loved without limits. And as this passage shows, for Jesus, friendship was the GOAL, and love the way to the goal. Jesus wants to be our BEST friend. To enjoy his friendship.

In other words, friendships are not just important to have a HAPPY life, we all know that, they matter more than anything else (including smoking which was the only factor remotely approaching the difference in mortality rates) as to whether and how long you live at all. Even after a heart attack or a stroke, people with friends had a 50% greater chance of survival.

I've written various books; for the spiritually curious, for Christian disciples, for those who are married or thinking about it, for men and women trying to understand them and I have a few more in the pipeline I really must get round to finishing!

From all the teachings of Jesus, I honestly feel, only a concerned and a caring friend could instruct their loved ones concerning such matters. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life, (John 10:10), He came to give you life in abundance and therefore, diseases, poverty, luck and hunger and untimely deaths are not part of you, for life cannot live together with death, nor can light live together with darkness, for the weaker must give way to the stronger. 152ee80cbc

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