Jessie Loucks-Tavitas
Hello! I am an assistant professor (starting Aug 2024) in the mathematics & statistics department at California State University, Sacramento. I study algebraic geometry and multi-view geometry.
I received my PhD in mathematics from the University of Washington in June 2024 under the supervision of Max Lieblich.
Email: [at] csus [dot] edu.
photo by Lionel Mukendi
Math for all
Math should be made accessible and enjoyable for anyone and everyone of every age, race, gender, and background. Here are just a few Seattle-based math programs (most of which I am/have been involved with to some capacity) that actively support this sentiment:
Mission Math (K-12)
Washington Directed Reading Program (UW undergrads)
Washington eXperimental Math Lab (UW undergrads)
Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival (4th - 10th grade)
Your Inclusive Math Program????
Previous extracurricular affiliations
ARCS Foundation (Dorothy Lewis Simpson Endowment Fellow, 2018 - 21)
Graduate Opportunities and Minority Achievement Program (GO-MAP) (Graduate Opportunities Program Fellow, 2018 - 19)
Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE) summer program (Su18)