Jessica Striker


About Me

I am a professor in the Mathematics Department at North Dakota State University.  My research is in combinatorics at the intersection of algebra, geometry, dynamics, and statistical physics. Much of my work concerns dynamical algebraic combinatorics, which studies actions on combinatorial objects with especially nice properties, such as cyclic sieving, homomesy, and resonance. My favorite actions include rowmotion on order ideals, promotion on tableaux, and their generalizations. I am also interested in alternating sign matrices, plane partitions, and other combinatorial objects which relate to integrable (or exactly solvable) models of statistical physics. I earned my Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota under the direction of Dennis Stanton. Here's a recent article about my research and outreach.

My current Ph.D. student is Ashleigh Adams. I have advised four Ph.D. students, Joseph Bernstein, Dylan Heuer, Sara Solhjem and Corey Vorland, and one Master's student, Megan Jensen.

Contact Information

Office: Minard 406B

Office Hours: TBD

Email: firstname 'dot' lastname 'at' ndsu 'dot' edu


Research Interests