Jessica Lin

Associate Professor

Canada Research Chair Tier 2: Partial Differential Equations and Probability

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

McGill University

Burnside Hall 1217805 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, QC CanadaH3A 0B9(514) 398-3814

Welcome! I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McGill University. I specialize in partial differential equations (PDEs) and probability theory. 

Before coming to McGill, I was a Van Vleck Visiting Assistant Professor (postdoc) at the University of Wisconsin--Madison. I received my Ph.D. from the University of Chicago in 2014. I did my undergraduate work at NYU

Here is a copy of my CV (last update:  September 2023).

Here are some slides from a presentation I recently gave to our students on Applying to Graduate School