Welcome To My Page

Jessica Leonard is a travel blogger who desires to make her adventures more meaningful by learning about the history and culture of the places she visits. She participates in cultural practices whenever she has the opportunity. She also patronizes locally made products to show her support and advocates for the preservation of renowned landmarks.

A true adventure seeker, Jessica Leonard is not the typical travel blogger. She is willing to take the road less traveled to discover new places that fellow tourists will surely enjoy. True to her goal to become a conscientious traveler, she shares historical and cultural information with her readers about the places she visits.

A conscientious travel blogger

Understanding that many of the people who visit her blog seek ways to travel on a budget, Jessica Leonard never fails to share tips that will help her readers get their money’s worth. For those who are adventurous like her, she also hopes to feature more unfamiliar activities and destinations that will make a trip more memorable. Apart from the usual touristy fare, she hopes to delight her readers by introducing them to places that are not a part of the typical itinerary, including hole-in-the-wall eateries, shopping centers, and other landmarks.

As a responsible traveler, Jessica Leonard tries her best to make her travels more meaningful by learning about the history and culture of the places she visits. She participates in cultural practices whenever she has the opportunity. She also patronizes locally made products to show her support and advocates for the preservation of renowned landmarks.