Jessica Houston Su, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Sociology

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

I am a sociologist who studies American family life and inequality. Much of my work focuses on the transition to parenthood.  

My research agenda is motivated by persistent socioeconomic disparities in family formation. At first glance, family formation may seem very individualized; decisions about whom we marry, when we have children, and how we raise them are personal. My work investigates how social inequality contributes to patterns of family formation and disparate parenting resources at the population level, and subsequently affects the development and well-being of parents and children. 

My research appears in leading peer-reviewed journals such as Social Forces, Social Problems, Demography, and the Journal of Marriage and Family.  I received my Ph.D. in Sociology from Cornell University.  I am currently an assistant professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and a faculty fellow at the Carolina Population Center

Contact Information:

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill

Department of Sociology

263 Pauli Murray Hall

Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3210

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