
Many of these are available on my Academia page, or please contact me for copies.


Ford, Benjamin, Jessi J. Halligan, and Alexis Catsambis

2020 Our Blue Planet: An Introduction to Maritime and Underwater Archaeology. Oxford University Press.

Journal Articles

Halligan, Jessi J.

2022 Submerged Inland Landscapes of the Aucilla Basin, Northwest Florida, USA: Populating the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene Landscape. World Archaeology.

Halligan, Jessi J.

in press Geoarchaeology Underwater: Preparing Students to Manage Cultural Resources on Submerged Landscapes. Proceedings of the Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology.

Halligan, Jessi J.

2021 The Terminal Pleistocene Geoarchaeological Framework and Geochronology of the Lower Aucilla River, Florida. Geoarchaeology 36(2): 213-237.

Halligan, Jessi J.

2020 Crossing the Waterline: Integrating Terrestrial and Submerged Site Investigations in the Aucilla River, Florida. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 16(1): 46-63.

Perrotti, A. G., Winsborough, B., Halligan, J. J., & Waters, M.

2019 Reconstructing Late Quaternary Environmental Change at Page-Ladson, Florida Using Diatom and Palynological Evidence. Paleoamerica 6(2): 181-193.

Halligan, Jessi J. Michael R. Waters, Angelina Perrotti, Ivy J. Owens, Joshua M. Feinberg, Mark D. Bourne, Brendan Fenerty, Barbara Winsborough, David Carlson, Daniel C. Fisher, Thomas W. Stafford, Jr., and James S. Dunbar

2016 Pre-Clovis Occupation 14,550 years ago at the Page-Ladson Site, Florida and the Peopling of the Americas. Science Advances 2(5).

Waters, Michael R., Steven L. Forman, Steven G. Driese, Lee C. Nordt, Thomas A. Jennings, Joshua M. Feinberg, Joshua L. Keene, Jessi Halligan, Anna Lindquist, James Pierson, Charles T. Hallmark, Michael B. Collins, James E. Wiederhold

2011 The Debra L. Friedkin Complex and the Origins of Clovis at the Debra L. Friedkin site, Texas. Science 331(6024): 1599-1603.

Ford, Ben and Jessi Halligan

2010 A North American Perspective: Comment on Jonathan Benjamin's ‘Submerged Prehistoric Landscapes and Underwater Site Discovery: Reevaluating the ‘Danish Model’ for International Practice’. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 5(2):277-279.

Halligan, Jessi J., David K. Thulman, Adam Burke, and Morgan Smith

in review The Early Holocene Archaeology of Florida: Geospatial Approaches to Understanding Bolen Mobility. Submitted to Southeastern Archaeology.

Edited Book Chapters

Halligan, Jessi J. and Grayal E. Farr

2022 The Paleoindian and Early Archaic Record of Florida: Tales of Drowning and Drying. In The American Southeast at the End of the Ice Age, Edited by D. Shane Miller, Ashley Smallwood, and Jesse Tune. University of Alabama Press.

Smith, Morgan F., Shawn A. Joy, Jessi J. Halligan, Michael R. Waters, David K. Thulman, M. K. Faught, Angelina Perrotti, Brendan Fenerty, Adam M. Burke and Ryan M Duggins

2022 Liquid Landscapes: the Contributions of a New Wave of Submerged Prehistoric Archaeology to the Paleoindian and Early Archaic Record of the Southeastern United States. In The American Southeast at the End of the Ice Age,, edited by D. S. Miller, A. Smallwood and J. Tune. University of Alabama Press.

Halligan, Jessi J.

2019 What Does the Future Hold for First Floridian Studies? In Early Floridians: New Directions in the Search for and Interpretation of Florida’s Earliest Inhabitants, edited by D. K. Thulman and E. G. Garrison. University Press of Florida, Gainesville. pp. 41-65.

Halligan, Jessi J.

2018 Mysteries of the Ancient Aquifers: Archaeology in Florida’s Rivers and Springs. In Submerged History: Underwater Archaeology in Florida, edited by Roger C. Smith, pp. 21-38. Pineapple Press, Sarasota, FL.

Halligan, Jessi

2013 Reconstructing the Pleistocene Environment of the Greater Southeast. In In the Eastern Fluted Point Tradition, edited by Joseph A.M. Gingerich. pp 58-74. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City.

Halligan, Jessi

2011 Lake Ontario Paleoshorelines and Submerged Prehistoric Site Potential in the Great Lakes. In The Archaeology of Maritime Landscapes, edited by Ben Ford, pp. 45-62. When the Land Meets the Sea. vol. 2. Springer, New York.

Solicited Book Reviews

Halligan, Jessi J.

2020 Review of Uncovering Submerged Landscapes: Towards a GIS method for locating submerged archaeology in southeast Alaska. Kelly Rose Bale Monteleone. 2019. BAR Publishing, Oxford. BAR International Series 2917. American Antiquity. 85(3):620-621

Halligan, Jessi J.

2019 Review of Early human life on the southeastern coastal plain. Albert C. Goodyear & Christopher R. Moore (ed.). 2018. Florida Museum of Natural History: Ripley P. Bullen Series. Gainesville: University of Florida Press. Antiquity 93(369): 827.

Halligan, Jessi J.

2019 Review of Harney Flats: A Florida Paleoindian Site by I. Randolph Daniel and Michael Wisenbaker, University Press of Florida, Gainesville, 2017. Lithic Technology 43: 1-2.

Halligan, Jessi J.

2018 Review of Plainview: The Enigmatic Paleoindian Artifact Style of the Great Plains. Vance T. Holliday, Eileen Johnson and Ruthann Knudson, editors. 2017. University of Utah Press, Salt Lake City. American Antiquity 83(2): 359-360.

Other Publications

Halligan, Jessi J.

In press “The Page-Ladson Site, Florida” in The Encyclopedia of Geoarchaeology, second edition. Edited by Allan Gilbert. Springer, Heidelberg.

In press “Inundated Freshwater Settings” in The Encyclopedia of Geoarchaeology, second edition. Edited by Allan Gilbert. Springer, Heidelberg.

In press Simulating Geoarchaeology Field Situations in the Classroom. Advances in Archaeological Practice, special issue on teaching geoarchaeology, edited by Andrea Freeman and Carlos Cordova.

Alexis Catsambis, Ben Ford, and Jessi Halligan

2017 Maritime Archaeology. In Oxford Bibliography of Archaeology. edited by John Jackson. Oxford University Press, New York.

Halligan, Jessi

2016 Inundated Freshwater Settings. in The Encyclopedia of Geoarchaeology, edited by Allan Gilbert. Springer, Heidelberg.

Technical Reports and Unpublished Works

Jessi Halligan

2021 Pre-Clovis Lifeways on the Aucilla River: Geoarchaeological and Paleoenvironmental Investigations, Preliminary report on excavation from the 2018 and 2019 field seasons in accordance with 1A32 Permit 1718.050. Report on file with Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research.

2012 Geoarchaeological Investigations into Paleoindian Adaptations on the Aucilla River, Northwest Florida. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University.

2011 Preliminary Report of Archaeological Investigations on Ward Island, St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge, Florida under ARPA permit STMWR3312010 as part of Ph.D. Research: Geoarchaeological Investigations into Paleoindian Adaptations at the Aucilla River, Northwest Florida. Report on file with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Southeast Office.

2011 Preliminary Report of Archaeological Investigations in the Snipe Island Unit of the Big Bend Wildlife Management Area, Florida under BAR permit 1A32-0910.082 as part of Ph.D. Research: Geoarchaeological Investigations into Paleoindian Adaptations at the Aucilla River, Northwest Florida. Report on file with the Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research under permit 1A32-0910.082.

2009 Geoarchaeological Investigations of Submerged Paleoindian Sites in the Aucilla River, Florida. Report submitted to the Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research under permit 0809-029.

2009 Visual Examination of Submerged Paleoindian Sites in the Aucilla River Main Run. Report submitted to the Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research under permit 0809-068.

2004 Cultural Resource Inventory of the Shadow Plan of Development Project Area for the Yates Petroleum Company, Campbell and Johnson Counties, Wyoming. Report on file at the Wyoming State Preservation Office.

2004 Cultural Resource Inventory of the Rochelle Hills Plan of Development Project Area for the Yates Petroleum Company, Campbell Counties, Wyoming. Report on file at the Wyoming State Preservation Office.

2004 Level I Records Inventory of Pine Haven Water Treatment Plant. Report on file at the Wyoming State Preservation Office.

2004 Phase I Intensive Survey of the French Creek Gravel Mine, Hermosa, South Dakota. Report on File at the South Dakota State Archaeological Research Center.

2003 Cultural Resource Inventory of the South Dakota Route 83 Buried Cable Reconstruction Project. Unpublished report on file at the South Dakota State Archaeological Research Center prepared for Qwest, Inc.

2000 Maushop's Legacy: Cultural Continuity on Martha's Vineyard; 7.000 B.P. to the Present. Presented to the Department of Anthropology, Harvard University. Undergraduate honors thesis.

Jessi J. Halligan and Michael K. Faught

2019 Analysis of LiDAR Bathymetry of Aucilla/Econfina Paleo River Channels for Inundated Archaeological Sites, Apalachee Bay, Florida: Final Report of Investigations for 1A32 1819.032. Report on file with Florida Bureau of Archaeological Research.

Jessi Halligan and Lynn Eschenbaum

2004 Cultural Resources Inventory for the Cutler Draw POD, EMATS Corporation, Campbell County Wyoming. Report on file at the Wyoming State Preservation Office.

Jessi Halligan and Paul Miller

2004 Cultural Resources Inventory for the Bayer Mountain Grazing Allotment, Shoshone National Forest. Report on file at Wyoming State Preservation Office and Shoshone National Forest Office.

Wade Haakenson and Jessi Halligan

2003 Cultural Resource Inventory of the Cat Plan of Development Project Area for the Yates Petroleum Company, Campbell and Johnson Counties, Wyoming. Report on file at the Wyoming State Preservation Office.