
I've had some amazing opportunities to collaborate with different research groups across Europe and North America. Check out their websites and ongoing work below.

Research Groups

The Evolutionary Neuroscience Laboratory & The Canine Brains Project (PI: Dr. Erin E. Hecht), Cambridge, MA USA

The Canine Cognition Lab and Computational Cognitive Development Lab (PI: Dr. Daphna Buchsbaum), Providence, RI USA

The Corbit Lab (PI: Dr. Laura Corbit), Toronto, ON Canada

The MacDonald Lab (PI: Dr. Suzanne MacDonald), Toronto, ON Canada

StarLab for Mind and Development (PI: Dr. Christina Starmans), Toronto, ON Canada 

OVC Companion Animal Behaviour and Welfare Lab (PI: Dr. Lee Niel), Guelph, ON Canada 

The van der Meer Lab (PI: Dr. Matthijs van der Meer), Hanover, NH USA

The Wolf Science Center (PI: Dr. Friederike Range), Ernstbrunn, Austria

The Clever Dog Lab (PI: Dr. Friederike Range), Vienna, Austria

Behavioural Physiology Lab (PI: Prof Dr. Matthias Hennig, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), Berlin, Germany

The Menzel Group (PI: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Randolf Menzel, Freie Universität Berlin), Berlin, Germany