Policy Briefs & Work in progress

"La gouvernance économique européenne depuis 2020 : quel agenda pour les politiques budgétaires et monétaires pour la prochaine législature ?", Jérôme Creel & Francesco Saraceno, OFCE Policy Brief, 132, 25 juin 2024.

"Mettre en place un Fonds Européen pour le Climat", Jérôme Creel, Fippadict, Clara Leonard, Nicolas Leron & Juliette de Pierrebourg, Note de l'Institut Avant-Garde, avril 2024.

"Towards a new paradigm: the inflation shock as a catalyst?", J. Creel, F. Geerolf, S. Levasseur, X. Ragot & F. Saraceno, Forum New Economy Working Paper N°4/2024.

"Sailing in all weather conditions the next 25 years: challenges for the euro", C. Blot, J. Creel, H. Kempf, S. Levasseur, X. Ragot & F. Saraceno, Monetary Dialogue Paper, February 2024, requested by the ECON committee, European Parliament.

"A stringent necessity: Addressing fiscal bubbles with fiscal rules in Central and Eastern Europe", J. Creel , M. A. Dąbrowski , E. Farvaque , J. Janus , P. Stanek, OFCE Working Paper n°11/2023, novembre 2023.

"Excess liquidity in the euro area? Assessment and possible ways forward", C. Blot, J. Creel & F. Geerolf, Monetary Dialogue Paper, September 2023, requested by the ECON committee, European Parliament.

"Comparing different features of a fiscal stimulus in the euro area", C. Bozou & J. Creel, OFCE Working Paper n° 05/2023, mai 2023.

"Is monetary tightening a threat to financial stability?", C. Blot, J. Creel & F. Geerolf, Monetary Dialogue Paper, May 2023, requested by the ECON committee, European Parliament.

"Making Next Generation EU a permanent tool", F. Allemand, J. Creel, N. Leron, S. Levasseur & F. Saraceno, Recovery Watch Policy Study (FEPS, FES, IEV, OFCE).

"The direct and indirect impacts of the war on inflation", C. Blot, J. Creel & F. Geerolf, Monetary Dialogue Paper, March 2023, requested by the ECON committee, European Parliament.

"Heterogeneity of inflation in the euro area: more complicated than it seems", C. Blot, J. Creel, F. Geerolf & S. Levasseur, Monetary Dialogue Paper, November 2022, requested by the ECON committee, European Parliament.

"Soft or strong: the art of monetary tightening", C. Blot & J. Creel, Monetary Dialogue Paper, September 2022, requested by the ECON committee, European Parliament (also Monetary Dialogue Preparatory Meeting on 15 September 2022).

"L’Europe, de réelles avancées mais des choix à assumer", J. Creel, F. Geerolf, S. Levasseur, X. Ragot & F. Saraceno, OFCE Policy Brief 101, 24 février 2022.

"Inflation expectations in the euro area: trends and policy considerations", C. Blot, C. Bozou & J. Creel, Monetary Dialogue Paper, February 2022, requested by the ECON committee, European Parliament.

"Embedding the Recovery and Resilience Facility into the European Semester", J. Creel, N. Leron, X. Ragot & F. Saraceno,  November 2021, ETUI Policy Brief 14. 

"A welcome revision rather than a revolution", C. Blot, C. Bozou & J. Creel, Monetary Dialogue Paper, November 2021, requested by the ECON committee, European Parliament.

"Dette publique: un changement de paradigme, et après?", J. Creel, E. Heyer, M. Plane, C. Poirier, X. Ragot, F. Saraceno, & X. Timbeau, OFCE Policy Brief 92, octobre 2021.

"Rise in inflation: much ado about nothing?", C. Blot, C. Bozou & J. Creel, Monetary Dialogue Paper, September 2021, requested by the ECON committee, European Parliament.

"Could the Euro Area Benefit From the US Stimulus Packages?", C. Blot, C. Bozou & J. Creel, Monetary Dialogue Paper, June 2021, requested by the ECON committee, European Parliament.

"A la bonne santé de tous les Européens ! Pour une agence de santé européenne unique", J. Creel, F. Saraceno & J. Wittwer, OFCE Policy Brief 90, mai 2021.

"APP vs. PEPP: similar, but with different rationales", C. Blot, J. Creel & P. Hubert, Monetary Dialogue Paper, September 2020, requested by the ECON committee, European Parliament.

"How to spend it: A proposal for a European Covid-19 recovery programme", J. Creel, M. Holzner, F. Saraceno, A. Watt & J. Wittwer, OFCE Policy Brief 72 (also: IMK Policy Brief No. 92 & wiiw Policy Note/Policy Report No. 38), June 2020 (citations presse : Financial Times, Handelsblatt, New Statesman, Le Figaro, La Croix, Capital, BFM Eco, Open, Ouest-France, Le Quotidien).

"Setting new priorities for the ECB's mandate", C. Blot, J. Creel, E. Faure & P. Hubert, Study for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, Luxembourg, 2020 (paru en français sous le titre: "De nouvelles priorités pour le mandat de la BCE").

"Financial stability risks and policy options", C. Blot, J. Creel & P. Hubert, Study for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, Luxembourg, 2020.

"Thoughts on a Review of the ECB’s Monetary Policy Strategy", C. Blot, J. Creel & P. Hubert, Study for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, Luxembourg, 2019. 

"Challenges ahead for EMU monetary policy", C. Blot, J. Creel & P. Hubert, Study for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, Luxembourg, 2019

"The euro at 20,  a concise critical assessment", C. Blot, J. Creel & X. Ragot, Study for the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Policy Department for Economic, Scientific and Quality of Life Policies, European Parliament, Luxembourg, 2019

"Convergence in EMU: What and How?", J. Creel, In-Depth Analysis, ECON Committee, European Parliament, June 2018.

Why fiscal regimes matter for fiscal sustainability analysis: an application to France”, P. Aldama & J. Creel, Sciences Po OFCE Working Paper, n°15, mai 2016 (INFER Annual Conference 2017 Policy Research Award; updated version as Banque de France Working Paper no. 769, June 2020).