
Articles in journals and chapters in books

Jeroen Van Bouwel and Erik Weber (2002). 'Remote causes, bad explanations?' Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 32(4): 437-449. 

Jeroen Van Bouwel and Erik Weber (2002). 'The living apart together relationship of causation and explanation.' Philosophy of the Social Sciences 32(4): 560-569.

Erik Weber and Jeroen Van Bouwel (2002). 'Can we dispense with structural explanations of social facts?' Economics and philosophy 18: 259-275. 

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2002). 'Subject ingebed? Over het methodologisch individualisme in de sociale wetenschappen' (‘The subject embedded? On methodological individualism in the social sciences.’) In: Rob Devos, Antoon Braeckman en Barbara Verdonck, Terugkeer van het subject? Recente ontwikkelingen binnen de filosofie. Universitaire Pers Leuven, pp.169-179. 

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2003). 'When unveiling the epistemic fallacy ends with committing the ontological fallacy. On the contribution of Critical Realism to the social scientific explanatory practice.' Philosophica 71: 81-98. 

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2003). 'Ontology and methodology in contemporary philosophy of social science: Status Questionis.' Philosophica 71: 5-12. 

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2003). ‘Verklaringspluralisme in de sociale wetenschappen.’ (‘Explanatory pluralism in the social sciences.’) Belgisch tijdschrift voor nieuwste geschiedenis – Revue belge d’histoire contemporaine XXXIII (1-2): 303-311.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2004). ‘Explanatory pluralism in economics: Against the mainstream?‘ Philosophical Explorations 7(3): 299-315.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2004). ‘Individualism and Holism, Reduction and Pluralism.’ Philosophy of the Social Sciences 34(4): 527-535.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2004). ‘Imperialistische tendensen in de economiebeoefening en politieke wetenschappen. Over heterodoxie en pluralisme in de sociale wetenschappen.’ (‘Imperialistic tendencies in economics and political science. On heterodoxy and pluralism in the social sciences.’) Ethiek & Maatschappij 7(1): 32-45.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2004). ‘The consequences of scientific pluralism for science policy.’ Proceedings of V Jornadas Latinoamericanas de estudios sociales de la ciencia y de la tecnología (CD-rom).

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2004). 'Questioning structurism as a new standard for social scientific explanations.' Graduate Journal of Social Science 1(2): 204-226.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2005). ‘A framework for pluralism in economics.’ Real-World Economics Review 30, article 3. 

Erik Weber and Jeroen Van Bouwel (2005). 'Coping with inconsistencies: Examples from the social sciences.' Logic & Logical Philosophy 14: 89-101.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2005).  ‘Heeft er iemand een wetenschapsbeleid gezien? Over wetenschap, democratie en de onderzoeksagenda.’ (‘Has anyone discovered a science policy? On science, democracy and the research agenda.’) Samenleving & Politiek 12(8): 12-18. 

Erik Weber, Jeroen Van Bouwel and Rob Vanderbeeken (2005). 'Forms of causal explanation.' Foundations of Science 10(4): 437-454.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2005). ‘The division of labour in the social sciences versus the politics of metaphysics. Questioning Critical Realism’s interdisciplinarity.’ Graduate Journal of Social Science 2(2): 32-39.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2006). ‘The idea of social mechanisms in social scientific explanations.’ In: John Z. Arlsdale (ed.). Advances in Social Psychology Research. New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 83-95.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2006). ‘De idee van emergentie in de sociologie: perspectieven en problemen.’ (‘The idea of emergence in sociology: perspectives and problems.’) Tijdschrift voor Sociologie (Themanummer over causaliteit) 27(4): 337-350.

Erik Weber and Jeroen Van Bouwel (2007). ‘Assessing the explanatory power of causal explanations.‘ In: Johannes Persson and Petri Ylikoski (eds.). Rethinking Explanation. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, volume 252, pp. 109-118. 

Rogier De Langhe, Erik Weber and Jeroen Van Bouwel (2007). ‘A pragmatist approach to the plurality of explanations in International Relations Theory.’ In: Conference Paper Archive of SGIR 6th Pan-European Conference on International Relations. Turin. (online)  

Jeroen Van Bouwel and Erik Weber (2008). ‘A pragmatic defence of non-relativistic explanatory pluralism in history and social science.‘ History and Theory 47(2): 168-182.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2008). ‘Explanatory pluralism.‘ In: Edward Fullbrook (ed.). Pluralist Economics. London: Zed Books, pp.151-170. (Republication of: J. Van Bouwel (2004). ‘Explanatory pluralism in economics: Against the mainstream?‘ Philosophical Explorations 7(3): 299-315.)

Jeroen Van Bouwel and Erik Weber (2008). ‘De-ontologizing the debate on social explanations: a pragmatic approach based on epistemic interests.’ Human Studies 31(4): 423-44.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2009). ‘Understanding in political science: The plurality of epistemic interests.’ In: Henk de Regt, Sabina Leonelli and Kai Eigner (eds.). Scientific Understanding: Philosophical Perspectives. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, pp. 298-313.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2009). ‘The problem with(out) consensus: The scientific consensus, deliberative democracy and agonistic pluralism.’ In: J. Van Bouwel (ed.). The Social Sciences and Democracy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 121-142.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2009). ‘Where the epistemic and the political meet.’ In: J. Van Bouwel (ed.). The Social Sciences and Democracy. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.1-13.

Erik Weber and Jeroen Van Bouwel (2009). ‘Causation, unification and the adequacy of singular explanations. Theoria 24(3): 301-320. 

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2010). ‘Why social emergence? Discussing the use of analytical metaphysics in social theory.‘ In: R. Vanderbeeken and B. D’Hooghe (eds.). Worldviews, Science and Us: Studies of Analytical Metaphysics. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 153-167.

Leen De Vreese, Erik Weber and Jeroen Van Bouwel (2010). ‘Explanatory pluralism in the medical sciences: Theory and practice.’ Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 31(5): 371-390. 

Jeroen Van Bouwel and Erik Weber (2011). 'Explanation in the social sciences.' In: Ian Jarvie & Jesús Zamora Bonilla (eds.). The Sage Handbook of the Philosophy of Social Sciences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, pp. 633-646. 

Jeroen Van Bouwel, Leen De Vreese & Erik Weber (2011).  ‘Indispensability arguments in favour of reductive explanations.’ Journal for General Philosophy of Science 42(1): 33-46.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2011). ‘An atlas for the social world: what should it (not) look like? Interdisciplinarity and pluralism in the social sciences.’ In: D. Aerts, B. D’Hooghe, R. Pinxten and Immanuel Wallerstein (eds.). Worldviews, Science and Us: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Worlds, Cultures and Society. Singapore: World Scientific, pp. 43-72.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2012). ‘What is there beyond Mertonian and dollar green science? Exploring the contours of epistemic democracy.' In: R. Vanderbeeken, F. Le Roy and C. Stalpaert (eds.) Drunk on Capitalism. An Interdisciplinary Reflection on the Market Economy, Art and Science. Berlin: Springer, pp. 35-48. 

Erik Weber, Jeroen Van Bouwel and Merel Lefevere (2012).  ‘The role of unification in explanations of facts.‘ In. H. De Regt, S. Okasha and S. Hartmann (eds.). EPSA Philosophy of Science: Amsterdam 2009. Berlin: Springer, pp. 403-413.

Jeroen Van Bouwel. (2014). 'Pluralists about Pluralism? Versions of Explanatory Pluralism in Psychiatry.' In: Maria Carla Galavotti et al. (eds.). New Directions in Philosophy of Science (The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective Series). Springer, pp. 105-119.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2014). 'Explanatory Strategies beyond the Individualism/Holism Debate.' In: Julie Zahle and Finn Collin (eds.). Rethinking the Individualism-Holism Debate. Springer, pp. 153-175.

Laszlo Kosolosky and Jeroen Van Bouwel (2014). 'Explicating ways of consensus-making: Distinguishing the academic, the interface and the meta-consensus.' In: Carlo Martini and Marcel Boumans (eds.). Experts and Consensus in Social Science. Springer, pp. 71-92.

Erik Weber, Raoul Gervais and Jeroen Van Bouwel (2015). 'The 'Green Cheese' and 'Red Herring' Problems Reconsiderd. Epistemological vs. Methodological Tasks for Philosophers of Science.' Logique & Analyse 231:  433-455.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2015). 'Towards Democratic Models of Science. The Case of Scientific Pluralism.' Perspectives on Science 23(2): 149-172.

Erik Weber, Leen De Vreese and Jeroen Van Bouwel (2016). 'Hoe moeten we wetenschappelijke verklaring bestuderen?' ('How to Study Scientific Explanation?') Tijdschrift voor Filosofie 78(3): 489-524.

Anton Froeyman, Laszlo Kosolosky and Jeroen Van Bouwel (2016). 'Social Epistemology Meets The Philosophy of The Humanities.'  Foundations of Science. 21(1): 1-13.

Jeroen Van Bouwel and Michiel van Oudheusden (2017). 'Participation with or without consensus? Technology assesments, consensus conferences, and democratic modulation.' Social Epistemology 31(6): 497-513. 

Jeroen Van Bouwel and Michiel Van Oudheusden (2017). 'Beyond consensus? A Reply to Alan Irwin.' Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 6(10): 48-53.

Leen De Vreese, Erik Weber and Jeroen Van Bouwel (submitted). ‘A plea for a pragmatic approach in the philosophy of causation and explanation.’

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2019). 'Do mechanism-based social explanations make a case for methodological individualism?' Journal for General Philosophy of Science 50(2): 263-282.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2019). 'Lewis Fry Richardson, klimaatmodellen en beleidsondersteunende wetenschap. Over de rol van waarden, waardevrijheid en onzekerheid.' Ethiek & Maatschappij 21(1-2): 3-33.

Jeroen Van Bouwel and Erik Weber (2020). 'Explanation (Key Concepts Entry).' In: Paul Atkinson et al. (eds.). SAGE Research Methods Foundations. Sage Publications.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2021). 'Are Transparency and Representativeness of Values Hampering Scientific Pluralism?' In: P. Hartl and A. T. Tuboly (eds.) Science, Freedom, and Democracy. Routledge, pp.181-205. 

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2022). 'Strengthening the epistemic case against epistocracy and for democracy.' Social Epistemology. Online First.

Harold Kincaid and Jeroen Van Bouwel (2023). ‘Putting Philosophy of Political Science on the Map.’ In: H. Kincaid and J. Van Bouwel (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Political Science. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-14.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2023). 'How to Deal with Values in Political Science?' In: H. Kincaid and J. Van Bouwel (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Political Science. Oxford University Press, pp. 493-520.

Jeroen Van Bouwel (2023). '"That’s Your Bloody GDP, Not Ours.” On Citizen Engagement, Values, and, the Case for Citizen Economics.' Œconomia ­­– History / Methodology / Philosophy 13(1): 49-86.  

Jeroen Van Bouwel (forthcoming). 'Democratizing Explanatory Practice in the Social Sciences (with John Dewey).' In: R. Gronda, M. Janack and G. Marchetti (eds) Pragmatism and Philosophy of Science: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives (Routledge Studies in the Philosophy of Science series).

Jeroen Van Bouwel (forthcoming). 'Dimensions of the Methodological Individualism/Holism Debate.' In: Yafeng Chan (ed.) History and Philosophy of the Social Sciences. Springer (Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science). 

Books and Journal Volumes.

(2003) Verklaringspluralisme in de Sociale Wetenschappen. (Explanatory Pluralism in the Social Sciences.) J. Van Bouwel, PhD Thesis, Ghent University.

(2003) Critical Realism and Explanatory Pluralism in the Social Sciences. J. Van Bouwel (editor), Philosophica Issue, vol. 71.

(2009) The Social Sciences and Democracy. J. Van Bouwel (editor). Palgrave Macmillan .

Jiwei Ci (2011). ‘Social Science and the Diversity of Its Roles for Democracy.’ International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 25(2): 179-190.

Jeffrey D. Hilmer (2011). ‘Social Science, Political Science and Democracy Today.’ New Political Science 33(2): 239-248.

Ioana Negru (2013). 'Review of The Social Sciences and Democracy, edited by Jeroen Van Bouwel, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2009, 268 pp., £58 hb, ISBN 9780230224391.' Journal of Philosophical Economics VI (2).

Johanna Thoma (2012). 'JEROEN VAN BOUWEL, ed. 2009. The Social Sciences and Democracy. London: Palgrave Macmillan.' Theoria 27(2): 247-251.

(2013) Scientific Explanation. E. Weber, J. Van Bouwel and L. De Vreese. Springer.

(2016) Science versus Society? Social Epistemology Meets the Philosophy of the Humanities. A. Froeyman, L. Kosolosky and J. Van Bouwel (editors), Foundations of Science Special Issue (2016), vol. 21(1).

(2023) The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Political Science. H. Kincaid and J. Van Bouwel (eds.) Oxford University Press. 


Book reviews.

Review of: Jean-Michel Berthelot (dir.) (2001) Epistémologie des sciences sociales. In: Ethiek & Maatschappij (2001) 4 (4): 64-66. 

Review of: Sandra Mitchell (2009). Unsimple Truths. Science, Complexity, and Policy. In: Science & Education (2012) 22(2): 411-118 - reprinted in the International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group Newsletter, May 2012, pp. 26-33.


Discussion papers.

‘How bureaucracy supervenes. On the use of supervenience in the social sciences.’ (February 2002). 

‘The division of labour in the social sciences versus the politics of metaphysics.’ (presented at the Sciences and Humanities in a Changing World Summer School in Helsingborg, June 2005).

‘Elucidating scientific pluralism in the light of economics and economists.’ (presented at the Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics, Rotterdam, December 2006). 

‘The ambiguity of unification in the social sciences.’ (presented in Geneva, March 2007) 

'Ways of dealing with scientific plurality: Inquiring Helen Longino’s epistemic democracy.’ (presented in Madrid, September 2008) 

'A Note on Integrative Pluralism and Analytic Eclecticism in IR.' (presented in Helsinki, August 2015)