WP Super Affiliate - UNIQUE Custom Bonuses & Case Study by Jeremy Kennedy

Watch the Video Below to Learn How to Get MORE Affiliate Sales


BONUS 1 — My Secret Affiliate Commission Crusher WP Plugin

I built this plugin to specifically do two things. 1. Get MORE sales on affiliate promotions from less traffic 2. Get MORE money from each customer. It is proven to do BOTH every time you use it. MUST have.

BONUS 2 — LIVE Workshop: My 6-Figure Affiliate System RAW & UnCut

You’ll be joining me for a live online workshop where you’ll see my full affiliate marketing system broken down step by step and how you can implement it today to start earning online. Ask all your questions live on the call.

BONUS 3 — Access to My Free Student Group

Get inside and join the conversation. In my group you’ll meet people from all walks of life all with the same common goal of online entrepreneurship. The most profitable ventures I’ve ever had sprouted from meeting people in groups exactly like this one. Plus I’m inside waiting to say hi and help you get a jumpstart.

Video Transcript:

Hey Jeremy Kennedy here and I am excited to share with you something from a good friend of mine his name is Paul Nicholls I have known him for several years and he is a flat out super affiliate all right when I say super affiliate I mean it he gets guys hundreds of sales for their products including mine he is promoted for me several times I've promoted for him several times he's really good at what he does.

He partnered up with Anthony Mancuso and they have come up with a software automates the main part of their system and it makes this whole process so much easier and I have used this plug-in myself and it is amazing I love how simple it makes this whole thing. I'm excited to test the software because I have used his system before and it has increased my conversion rates it increased the number of sales I made and increased how much money I made on the promotions that I used his system on and so this software that automates this system I'm truly excited for because I'm somebody that's really going to use it and you are somebody that can really use it too even if you're brand new to affiliate marketing.

I have some bonuses for you that will actually make it more valuable to you what I have for you are exclusive custom bonuses that nobody else can provide and I believe personally that these bonuses are a super high value. Number one is my super secret affiliate Commission crushing WordPress plug-in this is a plug-in that I personally had created because I wanted to use it for myself to do two specific things I wanted at number one I wanted to get more sales on every affiliate promotion I did with less traffic write more sales less traffic and I wanted to make more money from each customer in other words I wanted to every customer to spend more to buy more of the upsells I've proven it over and over and when you get access to it you'll get the training you'll see that it does exactly that on every single product that you promote.

Bonus number two is super high value this is at least worth $197 minimum I would charge for a live workshop like this. I'm going to disclose my entire six-figure affiliate business my blueprint my process its raw and uncut I'm going to show you everything from A to Z and how you can start doing the same thing. He's going to give you all of his training in his system but I have a system as well having both of these together you're getting the knowledge of two super affiliates who've been in the industry for a long time.

Bonus number three is access to my private student group and inside there you're gonna meet other people from all walks of life from all industries that have the same goal of online entrepreneurship and I will be in there answering your questions helping you out if you need help and also learning from you I'll be asking you questions as well and I'm really excited to have you in there I love meeting new people and I'd love to meet you inside that group and you're going to get free access to this today included with your purchase of WP super affiliate trust me this is the way to do it this is the way to do it you get access to this you're gonna learn the right way and you're gonna have the tools that you need for success in affiliate marketing go ahead click the button below and I will see you on the inside.


WP Super Affilaite

Paul Nicholls

Anthony Mancuso





Bonus Pack

Jeremy Kennedy

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