Sustaining Learning

It is important that professional growth be sustained. Educators must be given continual opportunities to grow whether it is on their own or as part of a professional learning community. As you plan your job embedded professional growth opportunities, be sure to include strategies and resources for sustaining learning. Below are some key areas to support educators in their continued growth.

Keep Learning

Identify educational blogs and professional development resources (courses, whitepapers, e-books, videos, etc.) that can be used to further growth and development.

Some examples of these resources are included below.

Building a Professional Learning Network

Social Media is a great way to build a Professional Learning Network with other educators. It is a great resource to learn and share ideas. Below you will find some great articles and resources for using social media for professional learning.

Are you interested in connecting with others who are working on job-embedded professional growth opportunities? Connect on twitter using the hashtag #JEPGO