

1) (Poster) Necessary and sufficient condition for shortest vectors in lattices of low dimension

- 2017 Joint Mathematics Meetings (JMM), in Atlanta, Georgia, January 4-7.

2) A necessary and sufficient condition for shortest vectors in lattices of dimension 2, 3

-2017 Korean Mathematical Society (KMS) Spring Meeting, GwangJu, Republic of Korea, April 27-29.

3) A three round multiparty computation using MFHE without CRS

-2018 Korean Mathematical Society (KMS) Spring Meeting, Seoul, Republic of Korea, April 21-23.

4) Towards Round-Optimal Secure Multiparty Computations: Multikey FHE without a CRS

-2018 ACISP, Wollongong, NSW, Australia, July 11-13.

5) Multi key fully homomorphic encryption without CRS and its application.

- 2019 Tokyo University, TAKAGI and TAKENAKA Group, Tokyo, Japan, November 22.

6) SHECS-PIR: Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption-based Compact and Scalable Private Information Retrieval

- 2019 NTT secure platform laboratories, Tokyo, Japan, March 14.

7) SHECS-PIR: Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption-based Compact and Scalable Private Information Retrieval

- 2019 Korean Mathematical Society (KMS), Chuncheon, Republic of Korea, April 19-20.

8) Round optimal MPC from multikey fully homomorphic encryption schemes

-2019 Korean Women in Mathematical Society (KWMS), Seoul ,Republic of Korea, August 22-23.

9) On the Security of Multikey Homomorphic Encryption

- 2019 IMACC, Oxford, UK, December 16-18

10) On the Security of Multikey Homomorphic Encryption

- 2020 Korean Mathematical Society (KMS) Spring Meeting, Virtual Meeting, Republic of Korea, July 3.

11) SHECS-PIR: Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption-based Compact and Scalable Private Information Retrieval

- 2020 ESORICS, Virtual Meeting, September 14-16.

12) SHECS-PIR: Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption-based Compact and Scalable Private Information Retrieval

 - 2020 Ewha Womans University-Japan Women’s University-Ochanomizu University Joint Symposium, Virtual Meeting, December 11.

13) Homomorphic Encryption for Multiple Users with Less Communications

 - 2021 EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (EKC), Hybrid Meeting, October 24.

14) (poster) Efficient privacy preserving tools based on homomorphic encryption, 

 - 2022 workshop, Trondheim, Norway, May 29.

15) SortingHat: Efficient Private Decision Tree Evaluation via Homomorphic Encryption and Transciphering,
  - ACM CCS 2022, Los Angeles, USA, Nov 9.

16) (poster) Efficient TFHE Bootstrapping in the Multiparty Setting, 

 - 2023 workshop, Tokyo, Japan, March 26.

17) (poster) Panacea: Non-interactive and Stateless Oblivious RAM

 - 2023 workshop, Tokyo, Japan, March 26.