Scholarly Work

Westmoreland Dissertation Defense.pdf

Centering Students of the Global Majority in United States Community College Critical Internationalization Programming  

I successfully defended my dissertation on March 27, 2024. This is the slide deck I used for the defense.  

Comprehensive Policy Analysis_Bouchard.docx

EDLD 759 A Critical Policy Analysis of the Page Amendment 

This was an assignment for the EDLD 759 Influences and Assessment of Public Policy course. I chose the Page Amendment because it was an important issue at the time that could have drastically changed the face of public education in Minnesota. 

Pulling at Racist Threads_ Westmoreland.docx

EDLD 747 Pulling at Racist Threads: Redefining Gifted and Talented

This was an assignment for the EDLD 747 Organizational and Critical Race Theory and Analysis course. We were asked to choose a current event and apply critical race theory to it. I chose to examine the process of redefining and transforming what has traditionally been known as "gifted and talented" programming in the Hopkins School District where I serve as Chair of the School Board. 

EDLD 747 Qualitative Research Lab Papers

EDLD 782 Qualitative Research Lab Papers

This was an assignment for the EDLD 782 Qualitative Methods course. It is a collection of four lab papers exploring different facets of qualitative research that deepened my understanding of these approaches.  

EDLD 792 Introduction_Bouchard.docx

EDLD 792: Quantitative Study Design - Assessing the Impact of Culturally Responsive Teaching on BIPOC Student Course Completion Rates in a First-Year Community College Writing Course

This was an assignment for the EDLD 792 Quantitative Methods course. We were asked to design a quantitative study that could be carried out in the future if we choose. I chose a topic that was relevant to an institutional leadership issue at the community college where I teach: the impact of culturally responsive teaching on course completion rates.

Narrative (and) Power: Teaching and Learning at the Intersection of Critical Literacy Pedagogy in the Community College Literature Classroom

This website is a multimodal thesis I created for my M.A. in Literature and English Studies from Minnesota State University - Mankato (2021). The research and reflection that went into this project informed my thinking about my dissertation.