
What I do, in a nutshell

In my research, I focus on an experimental pragmatic approach to argumentative phenomena. The main interest lies in explaining how the use of language, i.e., the way we say things, influences the effectiveness of arguments. To do so, I combine two research axes (see below), namely argumentation and pragmatics, to gain a deeper understanding of the different ways words shape argumentative structures. To investigate how these different ways of formulating a given content can influence its effectiveness, I adopt an experimental angle, testing how people perceive the different types of formulations. This gives us insight into the linguistic structures that make for more efficient arguments.

Axe 1: argumentation

Rephrase and its misuses

Straw Man Fallacy

Effectiveness of arguments

Axe 2: pragmatics

Experimental pragmatics

Use of connectives

Information structure

Discourse Markers

If you want to know more about the kind of work I do, feel free to browse the list of projects and publications.