Jennifer Logue

Jennifer Logue is Professor at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Program Director of the Diversity and Equity in Education Graduate Program, Department of Educational Leadership. She teaches core courses for the graduate program as well as for the undergraduate Honors program and Women’s Studies Minor. Dr. Logue is also a Candidate in the Adult Analytic Training Program at the St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute. 

Candidate, Adult Analytic Training, St. Louis Psychoanalytic Institute 2017- present

Ph.D. Philosophy of Education, Department of Educational Policy Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), with a Graduate Minor in Gender and Women’s Studies, and certification from the Unit for Interpretative Theory and Criticism; August, 2009.

M.A. Philosophy of Education, Department of Theory and Policy Studies in Education, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education; Collaborative Degree with the Women and Gender Studies Institute; May, 2004.

Teaching English as a Second Language (TESL) Certificate, Canadian Cooperative for Language

and Cultural Studies, 1997.

B. A. in Philosophy major, Sociology minor, University of Toronto, 1996. 

 Selected Peer Reviewed Publications


In Praise of Not Knowing, Or Why We should Unknow More: Reflections on Knowing and Teaching Ignorance - Jennifer Logue (7 December 2023) 

Logue, J. (Aug 2021). “(Un)Learning Through Narrative Fiction: Toward a Psychoanalytically

Informed Anticolonial Education” for Critical Questions in Education, vol. 12, Issue 2.


Logue, J. (2020). “Engaging the Post-Truth Crisis in Education Affectively: Elements for a

Psychoanalytically Informed Pedagogy,” in Philosophical Studies in Education, vol. 51.


Logue, J. (2019). “Teaching Ignorance: On the Importance of Developing Psychoanalytic

Sensibilities in Education.” in Philosophical Studies in Education, Vol. 50. 3


Logue, J. (2013). “The Politics of Unknowing and the Virtues of Ignorance: Towards a

Pedagogy of Epistemic Vulnerability,” in Philosophy of Education


Logue, J. (2013). “Sanctioned Curricular Ignorance as a Challenge to Critical Communities.” in Philosophical Studies in Education, Vol. 44.


Logue, J. (2008). “The Unbelievable Truth and the Dilemmas of Ignorance” in Philosophy of



Logue, J. (2008). “Mississippi Freedom Schools’ Radical Conception of Pedagogy, Citizenship and Power” in Philosophical Studies in Education, Vol, 39.


Logue, J. (2006). “A Contrapuntal Analysis of Discourses of Desire in Education” Philosophical Studies in Education, Vol 37.


Logue, J. (2005). “Deconstructing Privilege: A Contrapuntal Approach” in Philosophy of




Selected Invited Papers


Logue, J. (2019). “On Defending Against Difficult Knowledge in Education and in Life” in

Philosophy of Education. Vol. 2019, 292-297.


Logue, J. (2018). “Beyond Binaries: Reflections on the “Feminine Voice” in Philosophy and

Feminism.” Philosophy of Education. Vol. 2018, 1; 136-139.


Logue, J. (2016). “Exploring Strategies of Forgetting and Ignorance in Social Justice Education: Can We Forget What We Don’t Know? Philosophy of Education.


Logue, J. (2014). “Risks of Performance as a Method for Opening Minds in Social Justice

Education” in Philosophy of Education.


Logue, J. (2012). “Erotic Study and Difficult Desire in Education,” in Philosophy of Education.


Logue, J. (2010). “Reading Resistance Psychoanalytically,” in Philosophy of Education.