Economics Journals
Improving Mental Health of Adolescent Girls in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Causal Evidence from Life Skills Programming
Journal of Human Resources
Manisha Shah, Sarah Baird, Jennifer Seager, Benjamin Avuwadah, Joan Hamory, Shwetlena Sabarwal, and Amita Vyas
Locking down adolescent hunger: COVID-19 and food security in Bangladesh
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 1-26, 2023
Jennifer Seager, Sarah Baird, Jared Kalow, and Tauseef Salauddin
Gender, Growth Mindset, and Covid-19: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial in Bangladesh
Jennifer Seager, TM Asaduzzaman, Sarah Baird, Shwetlena Sabarwal, and Salauddin Tauseef
Review of Economic Analysis 14(2), 2022
Related policy briefs and blogs
- Adolescence in the time of COVID-19: Evidence from Bangladesh
- Investing in girls' education in the time of COVID-19
Sarah Baird, Jennifer Seager Rafael Panlilio, Stephanie Smith, and Bruce Wydick
Journal of Development Economics 156, 2022
Crimes against Morality: Unintended Consequences of Criminalizing Sex Work
Lisa Cameron, Jennifer Seager, and Manisha Shah
Quarterly Journal of Economics 136(1), 2021
Other versions: NBER Working Paper 27846, IZA DP No. 13784
Coverage: The Economist, VoxDev, CATO Institute
The ‘Business Climate’ and Economic Inequality
David Neumark and Jennifer Muz
Review of Income and Wealth 62(1), 161-180
Public Health Journals
Creating a better post-pandemic future for adolescents with Disabilities
Sarah Baird, Bassam Abu Hamad, Kifa Baniodeh, Mark Carew, Nimisha Goel, Anas Ismail, Erin Oakley, Jennifer Seager, Tassew Woldehanna, Nicola Jones
BMJ 380: e072343
Erin Oakley, Shoroq Abuhamad, Jennifer Seager, Benjamin Avuwadah, Joan Hamory, Nicola Jones, Agnieszka Malachowska, Yadete Workneh, Bassam Abu Hamad, and Sarah Baird
eClinical Medicine 52, 101586, 2022
Sarah Baird, Maureen Murphy, Jennifer Seager, Nicola Jones, Anju Malhotra, Sarah Alheiwidi, Guday Emirie, Sabina Rashid, and Maheen Sultan
Journal of Adolescent Health 70(3), 2022
Katherine O'Connor and Jennifer Seager
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18(10), 2021
Exploring the impacts of COVID-19 on Rohingya adolescents in Cox's Bazar: A mixed-methods study
Silvia Guglielmi, Jennifer Seager, Khadija Mitu, Sarah Baird, and Nicola Jones
Journal of Migration and Health, Vol 1-2, 2020
Related policy brief: 'People won't die due to the disease; they will die due to hunger': exploring the impacts of COVID-19 in Cox's Bazar
Sarah Baird, Zulfiqar A. Bhutta, Bassam Abu Hamad, Joan Hamory Hicks, Nicola Jones, and Jennifer Muz
Social Science and Medicine: Population Health 9, 2019
Development Studies Journals
Adolescence in the Time of COVID-19: Evidence from Bangladesh
Sarah Baird, Jennifer Seager, Shwetlena Sabarwal, Silvia Guglielmi, and Maheen Sultan
Forthcoming at Bangladesh Development Studies
Related Policy Brief: Adolescence in the time of COVID-19: Evidence from Bangladesh
Nicola Jones, Kate Pincock, Silvia Guglielmi, Sarah Baird, Ingrid Sanchez Tapia, Erin Oakley, and Jennifer Seager
Journal on Education in Emergencies 8(2), 2022
Silvia Guglielmi, Khadija Mitu, and Jennifer Seager
European Journal of Development Research 33, 2021
Maheen Sultan, Jenifer Seager, Sabina Faiz Rashid, MA Haque, Sahida Khondaker
European Journal of Development Research 33, 2021
Nicola Jones, Jennifer Seager and Workneh Yadete
European Journal of Development Research 33, 2021
Human rights education in humanitarian settings: opportunities and challenges
Megan Devonald, Nicola Jones, Silvia Guglielmi, Jennifer Seager, and Sarah Baird
Human Rights Education Review 4(1), 2021
Chapters in Books
“Adolescent vulnerabilities in Cox’s Bazar: A mixed-methods investigation into gendered experiences of sexual and reproductive health and bodily integrity.”
Sivlia Guglielmi, Khadija Mitu, and Jennifer Seager
Forthcoming in Springer Handbook on Sex and Gender: Perspectives from South Asia, 2023
‘We are not allowed’: Barriers to Rohingya Refugees’ Educational and Economic Opportunities.
Silvia Guglielmi, Khadija Mitu, Sarah Baird, Jennifer Seager and Jared Kalow
In Adolescents in Humanitarian Crisis: Displacement, Gender and Social Inequalities (pp. 28-53). Routledge. Nicola Jones, Kate Pincock, and Bassam Abu Hamad (Eds.), 2021
“Finding the Hard to Reach: A Mixed Methods Approach to Including Adolescents with Disabilities in Survey Research.”
Jennifer Seager, Sarah Baird, Joan Hamory, Sabina Faiz Rashid, Maheen Sultan, Workneh Yadete, and Nicola Jones
In Leaving No Child and No Adolescent Behind: A Global Perspective on Addressing Inclusion through the SDGs. CROP International Poverty Studies Series Columbia University. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag. ,Sudeshna Chatterjee, Alberto Minujin, and Katie Hodgkinson (eds.), 2021