
Economics Journals

Improving Mental Health of Adolescent Girls in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Causal Evidence from Life Skills Programming

Locking down adolescent hunger: COVID-19 and food security in Bangladesh

Gender, Growth Mindset, and Covid-19: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial in Bangladesh

- The Gendered Impact of COVID-19 on Adolescents’ Education and School-to- Work Transitions in Bangladesh. 

- Adolescence in the time of COVID-19: Evidence from Bangladesh

- Investing in girls' education in the time of COVID-19

Identifying Psychological Trauma among Syrian Refugee Children for Early Intervention: Analyzing Digitized Drawings using Machine Learning

Crimes against Morality: Unintended Consequences of Criminalizing Sex Work

The ‘Business Climate’ and Economic Inequality

Public Health Journals

Creating a better post-pandemic future for adolescents with Disabilities

COVID-19 and the Gendered Impacts on Adolescent Wellbeing: Evidence from a cross-sectional study in Ethiopia, Jordan, and Palestine. 

Intersecting disadvantages for married adolescents:life after marriage pre- and post-COVID-19 in contexts of Displacement

Displacement, Violence, and Mental Health: Evidence from Rohingya Adolescents in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

Exploring the impacts of COVID-19 on Rohingya adolescents in Cox's Bazar: A mixed-methods study

Do Restrictive Gender Attitudes and Norms Influence Physical and Mental Health during Very Young Adolescence? Evidence from Bangladesh and Ethiopia

Development Studies Journals

Adolescence in the Time of COVID-19: Evidence from Bangladesh

Barriers to Refugee adolescents' educational access in the context of COVID-19: exploring the role of gender, displacement and social inequalities

'I Just Keep Quiet': Addressing the Challenges of Married Rohingya Girls and and Creating Opportunities for Change

'Do Poor People's Dreams Ever Come True?' Educational Aspirations and Lived Realities in Urban Slubs in Dhaka, Bangladesh

'People consider us devils: Exploring barriers to full capability development faced by adolescents with disabilities in Ethiopia

Human rights education in humanitarian settings: opportunities and challenges

Chapters in Books

“Adolescent vulnerabilities in Cox’s Bazar: A mixed-methods investigation into gendered experiences of sexual and reproductive health and bodily integrity.” 

‘We are not allowed’: Barriers to Rohingya Refugees’ Educational and Economic Opportunities. 

 “Finding the Hard to Reach: A Mixed Methods Approach to Including Adolescents with Disabilities in Survey Research.”