
University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D., Education in Science, Mathematics and Technology, 2010

University of California, Berkeley, M.A., Education in Science, Mathematics and Technology, 2007

Stanford University, B.S., Engineering: Product Design, 2000


Professional Appointments

2024-present     Shannon Mid-Career Fellow, University of Virginia

2023-present     Co-Director, Global Center for Equitable Computer Science Education, University of Virginia/WISE/Universidad del Norte

2017-present     Associate Professor, School of Education and Human Development, University of Virginia

2010-2017          Assistant Professor, School of Education and Human Development, University of Virginia

2004-2010          Research Assistant, Graduate School of Education, University of California, Berkeley

2006-2007          Graduate Student Instructor, Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley

2001-2003          High school math and science teacher, Tulsa, OK

2000-2001          Product Engineer, Hewlett Packard, Cupertino, CA

Publications (*denotes  graduate student/postdoc) 




Invited Presentations



University of Virginia

EDIS 5070: Designing Technology-Enhanced Instruction (Spring 2017)

EDIS 3452: Designing Games for Learning (Fall 2016, 2017, 2018)

EDIS 5010: Teaching Secondary Science I (Fall 2010, 2011, 2012)

EDIS 5011: Teaching Secondary Science II (Spring 2011)

EDIS 5070: Designing Technology-Enhanced Instruction (Spring 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019)

EDIS 9450: Readings and Research in Mathematics Education – Probabilistic and Statistical Reasoning (Spring 2011; cotaught with Joe Garafalo)

EDIS 5500: Instructional Visualizations (Fall 2011, 2012) 

EDIS 5500: Educational Apps, Simulations and Videogames (Spring 2012, 2013, 2014)

EDIS 8500: Development of STEM Expertise (Fall 2014)

EDIS 7075: Applying Learning Theories in STEM Education (Fall 2015, 2016, 2017)

EDIS 7010: Courseware Tools (Fall 2015)

EDIS 5500: Teaching the Nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry (6 courses offered from Fall 2011, Spring 2012, and Fall 2012 required for all Charlottesville City Schools in-service elementary school teachers)


Postdoctoral Fellows Advised

Sarah Lilly (University of Virginia)

Jessica Forrester (University of Virginia, co-advised with Nancy Deutsch)

Eileen Merritt (Arizona State University)

Jie Chao (Concord Consortium)

Edward Pan (Amazon Web Services)

Amanda Gonczi (Michigan Technical University)

Ph.D./Ed.D. students

Current advisees

Eric Bredder, STEM Education

Debajyoti Datta, Co-chair with Don Brown, Systems Engineering, School of Engineering

Gabrielle Griffin, Instructional Technology

Kim Wilkens, Computer Science Education

Graduated (Chair or Co-chair)


Dissertation Committee Member

1.     Christianna Andrews, Instructional Technology

2.     Emily Barton, Instructional Technology

3.     Ksenia Brazhnik, Department of Environmental Science

4.     Jennifer Campbell, Engineering Systems and Environment, School of Engineering

5.     Devasmita Chakraverty, Science Education

6.     Katherine Dabney, Science Education

7.     Christopher Dittrick, Curriculum & Instruction

8.     Michael Gurlea, Curriculum & Instruction

9.     Ashley Hunt, Educational Psychology-Applied Developmental Science

10.  Monty Jones, Instructional Technology

11.  Xiaoqing Kong, Science Education

12.  Lisa Lampe, Higher Education

13.  Peter Malcolm, Instructional Technology

14.  Eileen Merritt, Educational Psychology-Applied Developmental Science 

15.  Bridget Mulvey, Science Education

16.  Jesse Pappas, Social Psychology, Department of Psychology

17.  James Rutter, Instructional Technology

18.  Angela Skeeles-Worley, Science Education

19.  Katelyn Stenger, Engineering Systems and Environment, School of Engineering

20.  Barbara Swartz, Mathematics Education

21.  Daniel Tillman, Instructional Technology

22.  Caner Uguz, Instructional Technology

23.  Victoria VanUitert, Special Education

24.  Beverly Wood, Mathematics Education

25.  Ningyu Zhang, Systems Engineering, Vanderbilt University


Editorial Boards

      Associate Editor, American Educational Research Journal (2022-present)

      Associate Editor, Journal of Engineering Education (2021-present)

      Associate Editor, Journal of Pre-College Engineering Education (2022-present)

      Associate Editor, Science Educator (2019-2021)


National Advisor/Advisory Board



Service-oriented Presentations and Workshops


Federal Reviewer


University of Virginia Service

School of Education Service



2013                National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Award

2012                International Conference of the Learning Sciences Early Career Fellow

2009                Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellow for Research Related to Education 

2008                International Conference of the Learning Sciences Doctoral Consortium Fellow

2007                Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor, U.C. Berkeley

Spencer Research Training Fellow, U.C. Berkeley