David, this depends on what you mean by "publicly available". If your Jenkins instance is secured (jenkins.company/configureSecurity/), then access to artifacts requires that your http session be authenticated. If all users who need access have accounts on the Jenkins server, then you just need to use the post-build action "archive the artifacts", and your text file would be available here: jenkins.company/job/MyTestApp/jobnumber/artifact/revision.txt

I have created a plugin when i am trying to publish it in Jenkins it is saying the plugin is supported for Jenkins 2.387 or above. I need to know is there a way to deploy the plugin for lower versions of Jenkins

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I have tried changing the version in pom.xml but I am getting an error while building the hpi file saying, " This version of maven-hpi-plugin requires Jenkins 2.361 or later." I wanted to make my plugin available for 2.213. I have uploaded the screenshot of the error for the reference.

Screenshot (102)1366768 113 KB

You cannot use a new parent pom with an ancient Jenkins version. Why do you want to use a non-supported Jenkins version? We are even removing support for 2.387 right now. Do not do that, you should better upgrade your Jenkins server.

I was hoping to find a way to add a credential to Jenkins and scope it so that all users have access to it, so the above New Pipeline flow would use that cred rather than querying the user to input a token.

I was a little confused by the OP question and follow up, so answering about GitHub access to jenkinsfile-based pipeline jobs:Credentials stored in Jenkins can be available to all users with rights to create jobs. Use a GitHub deployment key for your repo. Yes you need a key for every repo. This does require a user in Github, of course, but there is nothing to stop you from paying for an extra so-called 'machine user.' We, however, just use a real person like me.

As discussed in theDefining a Pipeline in SCM,a Jenkinsfile is a text file that contains the definition of a JenkinsPipeline and is checked into source control. Consider the following Pipelinewhich implements a basic three-stage continuous delivery pipeline.

Not all Pipelines will have these same three stages, but it is a good startingpoint to define them for most projects. The sections below will demonstrate thecreation and execution of a simple Pipeline in a test installation of Jenkins.

The Declarative Pipeline example above contains the minimum necessary structureto implement a continuous delivery pipeline. The agentdirective, which is required, instructs Jenkins to allocate an executor andworkspace for the Pipeline. Without an agent directive, not only is theDeclarative Pipeline not valid, it would not be capable of doing any work! Bydefault the agent directive ensures that the source repository is checked outand made available for steps in the subsequent stages.

For more advanced usage with Scripted Pipeline, the example above node isa crucial first step as it allocates an executor and workspace for the Pipeline.In essence, without node, a Pipeline cannot do any work! From within node,the first order of business will be to checkout the source code for thisproject. Since the Jenkinsfile is being pulled directly from source control,Pipeline provides a quick and easy way to access the right revision of thesource code

Jenkins has a number of plugins for invoking practically any build tool ingeneral use, but this example will simply invoke make from a shell step(sh). The sh step assumes the system is Unix/Linux-based, forWindows-based systems the bat could be used instead.

Running automated tests is a crucial component of any successful continuousdelivery process. As such, Jenkins has a number of test recording, reporting,and visualization facilities provided by anumber of plugins.At a fundamental level, when there are test failures, it is useful to haveJenkins record the failures for reporting and visualization in the web UI. Theexample below uses the junit step, provided by theJUnit plugin.

In the example below, if tests fail, the Pipeline is marked "unstable", asdenoted by a yellow ball in the web UI. Based on the recorded test reports,Jenkins can also provide historical trend analysis and visualization.

Deployment can imply a variety of steps, depending on the project ororganization requirements, and may be anything from publishing built artifactsto an Artifactory server, to pushing code to a production system.

At this stage of the example Pipeline, both the "Build" and "Test" stages havesuccessfully executed. In essence, the "Deploy" stage will only executeassuming previous stages completed successfully, otherwise the Pipeline wouldhave exited early.

Assuming everything has executed successfully in the example Jenkins Pipeline,each successful Pipeline run will have associated build artifacts archived,test results reported upon and the full console output all in Jenkins.

Jenkins Pipeline exposes environment variables via the global variable env,which is available from anywhere within a Jenkinsfile. The full list ofenvironment variables accessible from within Jenkins Pipeline is documented at${YOUR_JENKINS_URL}/pipeline-syntax/globals#env and includes:

The unique number that identifies the current executor (among executors of the same machine) performing this build. This is the number you see in the "build executor status", except that the number starts from 0, not 1

If your job is configured to use a specific JDK, this variable is set to the JAVA_HOME of the specified JDK. When this variable is set, PATH is also updated to include the bin subdirectory of JAVA_HOME

Environment variables can be set at run time and can be used by shell scripts (sh), Windows batch scripts (bat) and PowerShell scripts (powershell).Each script can either returnStatus or returnStdout.More information on scripts.

Jenkins' declarative Pipeline syntax has the credentials() helper method (usedwithin the environment directive) which supportssecret text, username andpassword, as well as secret file credentials. If you want tohandle other types of credentials, refer to the For other credential types section (below).

In this example, two secret text credentials are assigned to separateenvironment variables to access Amazon Web Services (AWS). These credentialswould have been configured in Jenkins with their respective credential IDs

jenkins-aws-secret-key-id and jenkins-aws-secret-access-key.

In this example, username and password credentials are assigned to environmentvariables to access a Bitbucket repository in a common account or team for yourorganization; these credentials would have been configured in Jenkins with thecredential ID jenkins-bitbucket-common-creds.

By convention, variable names for environment variables are typically specifiedin capital case, with individual words separated by underscores. You can,however, specify any legitimate variable name using lower case characters. Bearin mind that the additional environment variables created by the credentials()method (above) will always be appended with _USR and _PSW (i.e. in theformat of an underscore followed by three capital letters).

If you need to set credentials in a Pipeline for anything other than secrettext, usernames and passwords, or secret files(above) - i.e SSHkeys or certificates, then use Jenkins' Snippet Generator feature, which youcan access through Jenkins' classic UI.

Key File Variable - the name of the environment variable that will bebound to these credentials. Jenkins actually assigns this temporaryvariable to the secure location of the private key file required in the SSHpublic/private key pair authentication process.

The Credentials fields (above) show the names of credentialsconfigured in Jenkins. However, these values are converted to credential IDsafter clicking Generate Pipeline Script.

The use of single-quotes instead of double-quotes to define the script(the implicit parameter to sh) in Groovy above.The single-quotes will cause the secret to be expanded by the shell as an environment variable.The double-quotes are potentially less secure as the secret is interpolated by Groovy,and so typical operating system process listings will accidentally disclose it :

Should Groovy perform the interpolation, the sensitive value will be injected directly into the arguments of the sh step, which among other issues, means that the literal value will be visible as an argument to the sh process on the agent in OS process listings.Using single-quotes instead of double-quotes when referencing these sensitive environment variables prevents this type of leaking.

Another note of caution. Using Groovy string interpolation for user-controlled variables with steps that pass their arguments to command interpreters such as the sh, bat, powershell, or pwsh steps can result in problems analogous to SQL injection.This occurs when a user-controlled variable (generally an environment variable, usually a parameter passed to the build) that contains special characters (e.g. / \ $ & % ^ > < | ;) is passed to the sh, bat, powershell, or pwsh steps using Groovy interpolation.For a simple example:

In this example, the argument to the sh step is evaluated by Groovy, and STATEMENT is interpolated directly into the argument as if sh('echo hello; ls /') has been written in the Pipeline.When this is processed on the agent, rather than echoing the value hello; ls /, it will echo hello then proceed to list the entire root directory of the agent.Any user able to control a variable interpolated by such a step would be able to make the sh step run arbitrary code on the agent.To avoid this problem, make sure arguments to steps such as sh or bat that reference parameters or other user-controlled environment variables use single quotes to avoid Groovy interpolation.

Credential mangling is another issue that can occur when credentials that contain special characters are passed to a step using Groovy interpolation.When the credential value is mangled, it is no longer valid and will no longer be masked in the console log. 152ee80cbc

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